A, illustration of GRABDA sensor expression and the fluorescence signal observation loci in NAc (n = 8). B, mean dopamine dynamics changes (ΔF/F) before (10 s) and after (5 s) the reward presentation for FR5‐1 and FR5‐5 training. C, mean ‘height’ before (−5) the reward presentation is higher in FR5‐5 training (P = 0.049). D, mean ‘height’ after the reward (+5) presentation is lower in FR5‐5 (pair t test, P = 0.01). E, mean dopamine dynamic changes before (10 s) and after (5 s) the reward presentation in PRT testing for the last nine trials (aligned to the last trial) (n = 6). F, mean ‘height’ for each trial before (5 s) the reward delivery in PRT test (RM one‐way ANOVA, P = 0.046, F
2.048, 10.24 = 4.184, n = 6). F and G, correlation analysis of the dopamine dynamics for the reward prediction (F, P = 0.018, r
2 = 0.06) and reward value (G, P = 0.56, r
2 = 0.01) with the behavioural efforts in PRT. H, the mean dopamine dynamic changes before (10 s) and after (5 s) the reward delivery in PRT test. ‘0’ represents the reward delivery, and ‘height’ represents the highest peak of dopamine dynamics of 0 to −5 s or 0 to +5 s of reward delivery. The black box indicates the prediction signal, and the purple box indicates the reward value signal. [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]