Combination drug treatment reduces neurofibroma P-ERK and tumor cell proliferation at 14 days of dosing. Representative images from IHC staining for P-ERK, cyclin D1, and Ki67 (A); quantification of P-ERK staining intensity (B); analysis in at least five high-powered fields per section per mouse; number of mice as shown for (C) and (D). Intensity is graded from least (+/−) to most (+++). Quantification of the percentage of positive cells in three sections per mouse >1000 cells were counted per condition; each symbol represents the average of data from a different mouse for Ki-67 (C). Quantification of the percent of cells expressing or cyclin D1 (D). For vehicle, n = 2 mice; for selumetinib, n = 3; for BI-3406, n = 3; for combination, n = 3.