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. 2023 Apr 17;23:349. doi: 10.1186/s12885-023-10777-7

Table 1.

Number of primary cancers (N), Proportion of multiple primary cancer (MCP) in 2004 [a], in 2017 [b] and the difference in percentage point between the proportion of MPC in 2017 and the proportion of MPC in 2004 ([b] -[a]) by gender, age category, region and cancer type

Men and women Men Women
Period 2004–2017 % MPC by year of incidence Period 2004–2017 % MPC by year of incidence Period 2004–2017 % MPC by year of incidence
N % MPC 2004 (N = 57,818) [a] 2017 (N = 68,965) [b] [b]-[a] N % MPC 2004 (N = 31,763) [a] 2017 (N = 36,670) [b] [b]-[a] N % MPC 2004 (N = 26,055) [a] 2017 (N = 32,295) [b] [b]-[a]
All cancers 885,718 12.2 7.3 15.2 7.9
Gender Men 472,390 13.2 7.9 16.4 8.4
Women 413,328 11.1 6.6 14.0 7.3
Age 15–44 years 59,832 3.6 2.5 3.9 1.4 20,713 3.1 2.0 3.8 1.9 39,119 3.8 2.7 3.9 1.2
45–54 years 104,821 6.7 5.2 7.3 2.1 42,029 5.9 4.7 6.2 1.5 62,792 7.3 5.5 8.0 2.5
55–64 years 196,881 10.0 6.5 12.1 5.6 108,549 9.4 5.8 11.0 5.2 88,332 10.9 7.5 13.4 5.9
65–74 years 247,706 14.1 8.5 17.3 8.8 151,182 14.4 9.0 17.4 8.3 96,524 13.7 7.6 17.1 9.5
 + 75 years 276,478 16.0 8.8 20.5 11.7 149,917 18.3 10.1 23.2 13.1 126,561 13.3 7.1 17.3 10.2
Region Brussels capital 71,033 11.2 6.2 14.1 7.8 34,264 11.9 6.5 14.7 8.3 36,769 10.5 6.0 13.4 7.4
Flanders 529,926 12.6 7.9 15.4 7.5 289,862 13.7 8.6 16.7 8.1 240,064 11.3 7.1 14.0 6.9
Wallonia 284,759 11.7 6.6 15.1 8.6 148,264 12.5 7.1 16.2 9.1 136,495 10.9 6.0 14.1 8.1
Cancer type Oesophagus 13,306 17.7 11.6 22.8 11.1 9,793 18.1 11.1 20.9 9.9 3,513 16.7 13.1 27.6 14.5
Kidney 21,679 17.2 12.6 20.4 7.8 13,723 18.5 13.1 21.4 8.3 7,956 14.9 11.8 18.5 6.7
Bladder 31,177 15.8 9.8 18.7 8.9 24,705 16.3 10.5 18.3 7.8 6,472 14.0 6.9 20.1 13.2
Lung 108,595 15.8 9.5 19.0 9.6 77,767 16.2 9.7 19.9 10.2 30,828 14.7 8.7 17.3 8.6
Head and neck 35,835 14.1 8.5 19.5 11.1 27,044 14.3 8.8 20.1 11.3 8,791 13.6 7.2 17.8 10.6
Bone and soft tissues 5,948 13.8 8.2 19.6 11.4 3,231 13.4 8.0 17.5 9.5 2,717 14.3 8.5 22.2 13.7
Colorectal 116,110 13.8 8.0 16.5 8.5 64,150 15.2 9.0 18.1 9.1 51,960 12.1 6.9 14.6 7.7
Stomach 20,081 13.7 8.1 17.9 9.8 12,556 14.6 9.7 18.6 8.9 7,525 12.1 5.2 16.8 11.6
Liver 9,792 13.4 6.4 14.4 8.0 6,897 14.4 6.5 13.2 6.7 2,895 11.2 6.4 17.4 11.0
Pancreas 20,311 13.0 6.9 18.2 11.2 10,427 14.3 8.5 20.2 11.7 9,884 11.7 5.1 16.1 11.0
Leukaemia 21,883 12.8 7.8 17.0 9.3 12,612 13.2 7.8 16.8 9.0 9,271 12.3 7.7 17.4 9.7
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma 26,439 11.7 7.0 15.1 8.0 14,412 12.8 6.8 16.5 9.7 12,027 10.3 7.4 13.3 5.9
Multiple myeloma 10,580 10.9 6.9 15.9 9.0 5,814 12.4 7.8 16.9 9.1 4,766 9.0 6.0 14.6 8.6
Melanoma of skin 31,618 10.6 6.5 13.6 7.1 13,071 12.3 7.8 15.1 7.3 18,547 9.4 5.5 12.5 7.0
Ovary 11,666 10.5 8.8 11.8 3.0 0 11,666 10.5 8.8 11.8 3.0
Corpus uteri 19,828 10.3 7.2 13.4 6.2 0 19,828 10.3 7.2 13.4 6.2
Female Breast 149,530 10.1 6.0 12.2 6.2 0 149,530 10.1 6.0 12.2 6.2
Thyroid 12,004 8.8 5.0 9.7 4.7 3,149 12.4 7.1 14.4 7.4 8,855 7.5 4.3 8.1 3.7
Brain 10,158 8.2 5.4 10.6 5.2 5,959 8.5 4.9 10.9 6.0 4,199 7.8 5.9 10.1 4.1
Prostate 123,508 8.0 5.1 10.4 5.4 123,508 8.0 5.1 10.4 5.4 0
Hodgkin's lymphoma 4,161 5.5 4.6 6.3 1.7 2,417 6.0 4.9 5.6 0.7 1,744 4.8 4.3 7.3 3.0
Cervix uteri 8,798 4.8 2.9 5.8 2.9 0 8,798 4.8 2.9 5.8 2.9
Testis 4,550 3.4 2.9 4.0 1.1 4,550 3.4 2.9 4.0 1.1 0