Fig. 2.
The Linear Genome View is the core view of JBrowse, allowing flexible and interactive examination of a genome sequence and its annotations. The user interface elements annotated on this diagram include (A) view menu, (B) view name, (C) close view button, (D) reference sequence name, (E) reference sequence overview with optional ideogram, (F) open track selector button, (G) pan buttons, (H) location and search box, (I) view size, (J) zoom buttons and slider, (K) major ruler coordinates, (L) track label, (M) track drag handle, (N) track close button, (O) track name, (P) track menu button, (Q) track menu, (R) track resize handle, (S) track selector menu button, (T) connection menu button, (U) track selector filter, (V) track configuration menu button, (W) collapsible category label, (X) track select box, and (Y) add track/connection button