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. 2023 Apr 17;13:6228. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-33483-7

Table 1.

The acquired sequences were 3D double-echo steady-state (DESS), 3D fast spin echo short-tau inversion recovery (SPACE-STIR), 3D fast spin echo spectral attenuated inversion recovery (SPACE-SPAIR), 3D volumetric interpolated breath-hold examination (T1-VIBE-Dixon), and 3D ultrashort echo time (UTE).

Sequence name de_rr spcir spc fl WIP_fl
 Dimension of acquisition 3D 3D 3D 3D 3D radial
 Orientation semi-axial semi-axial semi-axial coronal semi-axial
 Phase enc. dir. R >> L A >> P A >> P F >> H A >> P
 FoV read and phase [mm] 242 × 242 190 × 190 190 × 190 380 × 212 230 × 230
 Slices per slab 104 120 120 96 384
 Acq. slice thickness [mm] 0.75 0.75 0.75 1.00 0.6
 Phase/slice oversampling 0%/100% 35%/20% 35%/20% 40%/67%
 Acq. matrix read/phase 320 × 320 256 × 256 256 × 256 380 × 380 384 × 384
 Radial views 40’000
 Voxel recon size [mm3] 0.38×0.38×0.75 0.37×0.37×0.75 0.37×0.37×0.75 0.8×0.8×1.0 0.6×0.6×0.6
 Flip angle [degree] 30 T2 var T2 var 11 5
 Echo spacing [ms] 4.82 4.82
 Echo train duration [ms] 284 284
 TR [ms] 11.16 3300 3300 5.81 4.62
 TE [ms] 4.21 113 115 2.46/3.69 0.04
 Magn. preparation off Non-sel. IR None
 TI [ms] 220
 Fat suppr. Water excit. normal None SPAIR, strong Dixon,optim inphase None
 TA [min:s] 12:24 12:36 12:36 05:28 03:07
 Averages 1 1.4 1.4 1 1
 PAT total accel. factor Off 4 4 Off 0
 PAT mode GRAPPA phase 2, ref.l. 24 slice 2, ref.l. 24 GRAPPA phase 2, ref.l. 24 slice 2, ref.l. 24
 Asymmetric echo Off weak strong
 Bandwidth [Hz/Px] 355 425 425 660/700 1184
Artifact reduction
 Flow comp. Read No No
 Excitation Slab-sel. Slab-sel. Slab-sel. Slab-sel. Non-sel.
 RF spoiling On On
 Incr. gradient spoiling On On
 Distortion corr. 2D 3D 3D 3D

Two fat saturation methods (STIR and SPAIR) for the SPACE sequence were compared, but all other parameters were kept equal. All sequences were acquired with sub-millimetric isotropic resolution and optimized for quality in a pilot study. Detailed sequence parameters are provided.