Figure 4.
PET scans, photographs, and histology of MM lesions from the example case. (A) Axial and (B) coronal whole-body PET scan images demonstrating changes in tumor burden before (left) and after (right) lete-cel infusion. The arrow denotes prominent lesion shrinkage in the anterior, respiratory region. Images demonstrating the disappearance of soft tissue plasmacytomas on the patient’s left forearm (size at day 4: medial lesion [∼3 cm]; lateral lesion [∼2 cm]); (C) and left forehead (aggregate size at day 4: ∼5 cm); (D) from days 4 to 7 after lete-cel infusion. Biopsy of left forearm soft tissue plasmacytoma on day 7 after lete-cel infusion and IHC for T cells (CD3; original magnification ×100), T-helper cells (CD4; original magnification ×400), T-effector cells (CD8; original magnification ×100), histiocytes (CD68; original magnification ×100, also shown in CD4 panel [original magnification ×400]), and plasma cells (CD138; original magnification ×40) (E). Antibodies for IHC obtained from Roche Ventana, Oro Valley, AZ. Patient consent was obtained for use of all images. CD, cluster of differentiation; IHC, immunohistochemistry; PET, positron emission tomography.