Item | Modification | Domain |
Cl | Co | Ap | Eq | Su | Us | |||
3 | Le digo a mi niño(a) que si come tendrá un premio | Add “(ej. golosinas)” | • | • | ||||
I tell my child she will get a treat for eating | ||||||||
Le digo a mi niño(a) que si come tendrá un premio (ex. golosinas) | Remove “ej.” | • | ||||||
I tell my child she will get a prize for eating (e.g., treat) | ||||||||
4 | Planeo las comidas | Replace photograph of a parent food-portioning for storage with 1 of the parent looking at coupons | • | |||||
I plan meals | ||||||||
7 | Preparo por lo menos un alimento que se que mi niño(a) se va a comer | Remove “se que” | • | |||||
I prepare at least one food that I know my child will eat | ||||||||
Preparo por lo menos un alimento que se va a comer mi niño | Revert to original version | • | ||||||
I prepare at least one food that my child will eat | ||||||||
Preparo por lo menos un alimento que se que mi niño(a) se va a comer | Replace photograph of parent serving a plate from various dishes with various foods offered at table | • | ||||||
I prepare at least one food that I know my child will eat | ||||||||
9 | Yo ayudo a mi niño(a) a comer (cortando la comida, enfriando la comida) | Remove “Yo” | • | |||||
I help my child with eating (cut food, cool the food) | ||||||||
10 | Logro que mi niño(a) coma haciendo divertidos los alimentos | Make photograph of veggies arranged as smiley-face less prominent | • | |||||
I get my child to eat by making food fun | ||||||||
12 | Mi niño(a) se come un snack casi a la misma hora todos los días | Replace “snack” with “bocadillo” | • | |||||
My child eats a snack at about the same time everyday | ||||||||
Mi niño(a) se come un bocadillo casi a la misma hora todos los días | Revert to “snack” | • | ||||||
My child eats a snack at about the same time everyday | Underline “a la misma hora” | • | ||||||
Add photograph of child eating salty snack | • | |||||||
14 | Batallo con mi niño(a) para que coma (alzarlo(a) y ponerlo(a) en su silla) | Add “físicamente” and “ej.” | • | |||||
I struggle with my child to get her to eat (pick her up and put her in the chair) | ||||||||
Batallo físicamente con mi niño(a) para que coma (ej. alzarlo(a) y ponerlo(a) en su silla) | Remove “ej.” | • | ||||||
I physically struggle with my child to get her to eat (e.g., pick her up and put her in the chair) | ||||||||
15 | Le advierto a mi niño(a) que si no come no tendrá un premio | Add “regularmente” and | • | • | ||||
I warn my child he will not get a treat if he does not eat | “(ej. golosinas)” | |||||||
Regularmente le advierto a mi niño(a) que si no come no tendrá un premio (ej. golosinas) | Remove “regularmente” and “ej.” | • | ||||||
I often warn my child he will not get a treat if he does not eat (e.g., junk food) | ||||||||
17 | Le pido a mi niño(a) que escoja de entre platillos ya preparados | Replace “ya preparados” with “que yo preparo” | • | |||||
I ask my child to pick from foods already cooked | ||||||||
Le pido a mi niño(a) que escoja de entre platillos que yo preparo | Replace photograph with one showing a child selecting homemade food | • | ||||||
I ask my child to pick from foods I prepared | ||||||||
24 | Le digo a mi niño(a) que lo(a) voy a premiar por comer con televisión, tiempo para jugar o videojuegos | Add “regularmente” | • | |||||
I tell my child that I will reward her for eating with TV, playtime, or videogames | Replace “con televisión, tiempo para jugar o videojuegos” with “(ej. mas tiempo para jugar)” | • | ||||||
Regularmente le digo a mi niño(a) que si come lo(a) voy a premiar (ej. mas tiempo para jugar) | Remove “regularmente” and “ej.” | • | ||||||
I often tell my child that I will reward her for eating (e.g. more play time) | Replace photograph of TV with 1 of the children using a tablet | • |
Cl, clarity; Co, comprehension; Ap, appropriateness; Eq, equivalence; Su, suitability; Us, usefulness.