Transmission electron micrographs showing the tegument and capsule walls of metacercariae of Cardiocephaloides longicollis. A and F illustrate the capsule wall of monocyst and multicyst metacercariae; B and I represent diagrams of monocyst and multicyst metacercariae showing the location of the following TEM micrographs. C – E Longitudinal section through the capsule wall and tegument of a monocyst. G, H, J-M Longitudinal section through the inner capsule wall and tegument of a multicyst metacercaria. D, E, J-M Detail of necrotic material accumulated on the capsule wall surrounding the metacercaria. K, Detail of inner capsule walls merging together within a multicyst. CW, capsule wall; F, fibrocyte; Gx, glycocalyx; GxF, glycocalyx filaments; ICW, inner capsule wall; M, metacercaria; M1-M3 number of metacercaria in a multicyst; MA, macrophage; Mt, metacercarial tegument; N, nucleus; NC, necrotic cells. Head arrows indicate glycocalyx filaments, asterisks (*) outside of the cyst, (**) inside of the cyst, (***) inside of the cyst when encysted with more than one capsule wall. Scale bars: D, E = 1 μm; C, G, H, J, L, M = 5 μm; K = 10 μm.