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. 2023 Jan 24;18:100158. doi: 10.1016/j.wnsx.2023.100158

Table 2.

Summary of literature descriptions regarding the fasciae contributing to the carotid sheath (CS).

Carotid sheath components Author(s) Description
Investing (superficial), pretracheal (middle) and prevertebral (deep) layers of the deep cervical fascia (DCF)
Levitt (1970) Carotid sheath has contributions from all the layers of the DCF
Paonessa and Goldstein (1976) Superficial, middle and deep layers of the DCF contribute to the CS with involvement of the alar fascia
Harnsberger and Osborn (1991) All three layers of the DCF contribute to and circumscribe the CS
Bielamowicz et al (1994) All three layers of the DCF form the CS
Kuwada et al (2012) The CS is encircled by the 3 layers of the DCF
Guidera et al (2014) The CS is composed of the 3 layers of the DCF
Garner and Baker (2018) The CS is composed of the 3 layers of the DCF
Sutcliffe and Lasrado (2020) Fibres from all three layers of the DCF blend with the carotid sheath
Chengazi & Bhatt (2019)
Anterolateral CS wall is made by the superficial fascia, the anteromedial wall by the middle fascia and the posterior wall by the DCF
Superficial and middle cervical fasciae only
Hollinshead (1968) The superficial and pretracheal fascia form the anterolateral CS wall while a medially reflection of the superficial fascia forms the posterior and medial wall
Anderson and Homan (2008) The CS has components of the investing and pretracheal fascia
Miyake et al (2010)
Parts of the CS are composed of the superficial and pretracheal cervical fasciae
Middle cervical fascia only
Natale et al (2015)
The visceral fascia in particular forms the CS
Deep cervical fascia only
Gray and Carter (1858) The deep layer of the DCF assists in forming the CS
Mosher (1920)
The CS is made from the deep (prevertebral) cervical fascia
Deep cervical ​+ ​other fascia combination
Gray (1918) The strong CS is derived from the DCF and the fascia lining the deep surface of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Barlow (1936)
The deep fascia completes the CS posteriorly while the stylopharyngeal aponeurotic fascia seals off the sheath anteriorly
None of the three cervical fasciae
Grodinsky & Holyoke (1938) CS is comprised of alar fascia with layers of reinforcement from the sternothyroid and sternocleidomastoid muscle sheathes
Komune et al (2019)
CS is a fibrous network created by fascia from the longus capitis and stylopharyngeal muscles, plus the buccopharyngeal and tensor-vascular styloid fasciae
No fascial contribution Parsons (1910) No discrete fascial tube surrounding the ICA, IJV or vagus nerve
Katori et al (2013) No continuous sheath encircling the CS neurovasculature