Table 3.
Surgical approaches and landmarks for the upper carotid sheath (CS).
Approaches | Main Landmarks | Other landmarks | |
Oral approach |
Open | Styloid process and associated structures. |
Superior pharyngeal constrictor |
Endoscopic or Robotic |
Medial pterygoid; superior pharyngeal constrictor |
Cervical approach |
Prevertebral lateral cervical | Posterior belly of digastric muscle |
Hyoid greater horn, hyoglossus, longus capitis, longus colli, superior pharyngeal constrictor, anterior tubercle of atlas |
Cervical - parotid | Facial nerve | ||
Cervical - mandible |
Styloglossus, stylopharyngeus |
Cervico-cranial approach | Postero-lateral | Lateral rectus capitis | Digastric crest, posterior rectus major, superior oblique, inferior oblique, occipital condyle, jugular process |
Sub-temporal | Transverse process of atlas | Longissimus capitis, posterior abdomen of digastric muscle, root of styloid process and jugular process | |
Retro-auricular | Transverse process of atlas | Digastric crest, facial canal, occipital condyle, jugular nodule, rectus capitis, jugular vein process |