Figure 3. Prolonged separation erodes pair bond transcriptional signatures.
(A) Opposite-sex and same-sex pairs were paired for 2 weeks prior to a baseline partner preference test. Pairs were then separated for either 48 hours (short-term) or 4 weeks (long-term) prior to collecting fresh nucleus accumbens tissue for RNAseq. Animals in the Remain Paired group are analyzed in Figure 2 to define the Combined Pair Bond transcriptional signature. (B) Baseline partner preference scores of males included in RNA sequencing for the opposite- and same-sex separation groups (one-tailed t-test relative to 50%: opposite-sex T11=11.56, p=1.71 X 10–7; same-sex T9=6.07, p=1.87 X 10–4). Black dotted line indicates a 50% partner preference score and the grey dotted line indicates 66%. There were no differences in partner preference score between opposite-sex and same-sex separated animals used for RNAseq (two-tailed t-test: T14.33 = 0.33, p=0.75). (C) Transcriptional analysis workflow similar to Figure 2. (D) Heatmap of the scaled log2FoldChange for every gene where short- and long-term separation is compared to the combined pair bond gene signature. (E) RRHO using the combined pair bond, short-term separated, and long-term separated ranked transcript lists show that short-term separated animals retain a gene expression pattern concordant with pair bond transcription while there is a dramatic erosion of pair bond gene expression following long-term separation. (F, G) Upset plot showing overlap of genes in the UU or DD quadrants of 2F and 3E RRHO was determined using a Fisher’s Exact test. The difference between the intersections of the pair-bond:short-term sep. and pair-bond:long-term sep. was used to define the eroded gene lists. (H, I) The RRHO gene lists of eroded pair bond genes were used to filter the DESeq heatmap in 2D. Eroded genes from the UU quadrants show upregulation during pair bonding and short-term separation but downregulation after long-term separation (H) while the eroded genes from the DD quadrants show the opposite pattern (I). (J, K) GO and IPA analysis of RRHO quadrant gene lists and pair bond eroded gene lists. Scale represents the –log10(p-adjusted) where any non-significant terms are white. (J) Glial associated GO terms of the UU quadrants are less significantly represented after separation and are highly significantly represented among the eroded genes. Significant upstream regulators of the eroded genes include Sox2, estrogen receptor, Erbb3, and Ctnnb1. (K) Vesicle docking and synapse organization associated GO terms of the DD quadrants are less significantly represented after separation and are more significantly represented among the pair bond eroded genes. Significant upstream regulators of the eroded genes include Hnf4a, Calmodulin, Hdac4, and Adora2a.