Table 2.
Summary of reviewed studies and indication of results
Reference | Sample size, sex ratio (M:F), age (years) | Study design | TBS protocol, parametersa, Stimulation Intensity | Method for locating target site [active control] |
Outcome Protocol [Time to return to scanner] Paradigm Summary of results |
TBS to the motor cortex | |||||
Agnew et al. (2018) |
N = 16 23–49 years b |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS; Total pulses: 300 40% MSO |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (R) ventral premotor cortex (MNI = 54, − 2, 44) – [vertex]: middle of nasion and inion |
Task (auditory emotion)-based fMRI [fMRI 5 min post cTBS] BOLD No effects at target site or contralateral homologue ↑ at a (R) post- and pre-central gyri ↑ inferior frontal gyrus (pars opercularis and triangularis), (L) supplementary motor area, cerebellar vermis, (R) parahippocampal gyrus, bilateral inferior parietal lobe (angular gyrus), bilateral superior and right middle frontal gyri and (R) postcentral gyrus ↓ (L) hippocampus, (R) middle cingulate cortex, (R) precuneus, (L) supramarginal gyrus, (R) supplementary motor area, (R) inferior frontal gyrus (pars triangularis) and (R) rolandic operculum |
Annak et al. (2019) |
N = 16 (6:10) 23.8 ± 2.3 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (functional activation): – (L) primary motor cortex; FDI representation – (L) secondary somatosensory cortex |
Task (nociceptive stimulation; chemosensory pain model)-based fMRI [time to return to scanner unclear/not reported] BOLD (L) primary motor cortex: ↓ BOLD at rolandic operculum, insula and postcentral gyrus Strength of relationship between BOLD signal and stimulus strength reduced post cTBS to (L) primary motor cortex No effects of stimulation to (L) secondary somatosensory cortex |
Cárdenas-Morales et al. (2011) |
N = 17 (17:0) 27.3 ± 2.6 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
iTBS 90% AMT |
Hot-spot – (L) primary motor cortex; APB representation |
Task (choice reaction)-based and resting-state fMRI [immediate] BOLD and CBF Task: ↓ BOLD at (L) primary motor cortex, and (R) primary motor cortex, primary somatosensory cortex, rostral parts of (R) superior and inferior parietal gyrus, and the (R) premotor area No effects at rest |
Cocchi et al. (2015) |
N = 23 (11:12) 23.0 ± 3.0 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS iTBS 80% AMT |
Hot-spot – (R) primary motor cortex; APB |
Resting-state fMRI [5 min] Functional Connectivity cTBS: ↓ participation index (PI) and ↑ within module degree (WMD) at motor and somatosensory cortices, ↑ PI and ↓ WMD at insula, striatum, and (L) temporal cortex iTBS: No effects of iTBS on PI or WMD |
Hu et al. (2017) |
N = 36 (17:19) 20–34 yearsb |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS 70% RMT |
Hot-Spot – (R) primary motor cortex; FDI |
Resting-state fMRI [30 min] Functional connectivity Bilaterally ↓ ALFF, fALFF and ReHO along the postcentral gyrus at sites controlling the (L) face and limbs and (L) and (R) trunk |
Ji et al. (2017) | N = 19 (6:13) 22.7 ± 2.1 | Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS (3 runs, 15 min apart) 70% RMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (L) supplementary motor area (MNI = − 6, − 6, 77) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] BOLD and Functional Connectivity No local effects ↓ rsFC at the (L) inferior frontal gyrus, and (L) supplementary motor area/middle cingulate cortex, maintained for 6.1 min in the (L) inferior frontal gyrus and 6.6 min in the (L) supplementary motor area/middle cingulate cortex |
Ji et al. (2020) |
Primary study: N = 33 (17:16) Secondary (validation) study: N = (11:5) 20.4 ± 0.51 |
Pretest–posttest, between-subjects, sham controlled (validation study) |
cTBS: 3 runs, 15 min apart 70% RMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) (L) supplementary motor area (MNI = − 6, − 6, 77) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional Connectivity Primary study: ↓ rsFC at the bilateral cerebellum immediately post stimulation (T2). ↑ rsFC at the paracentral gyrus at T3 (immediately post T2) Validation study: ↑ rsFC at the paracentral gyrus at T3 (immediately post T2) |
Matusa et al. (2022) |
N = 25 27–43 years |
Pre-test – posttest, within subjects |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Hot-spot – (L) primary motor cortex; APB |
Resting-state fMRI [15 min] Network activity No difference in resting state network activity per-post cTBS |
Nettekoven et al. (2014) |
N = 16 (7:9) 27.0 ± 3.0 |
Pretest–posttest, sham-controlled, within-subjects, repeated measured (time-points) |
iTBS: 3 runs, 15 min apart 70% RMT |
Hot-spot – (L) primary motor cortex; APB |
Resting-state fMRI [~ 3 min] Functional connectivity ↑ rsFC between primary motor cortex and various sensorimotor regions, with local maxima consistently at bilateral supplementary motor area and dorsal premotor cortex (superior frontal sulcus) across blocks, and less consistently in parts of the somatosensory and superior parietal cortices. No effects in a control (visual) network Dose dependency: primary motor cortex-dorsal premotor cortex connectivity was significantly higher after iTBS1800 compared with iTBS600 and iTBS1200, but not between iTBS600 and iTBS1200, and sham Supplementary control experiment: iTBS1800 = ↑rsFC between primary motor cortex and bilateral supplementary motor area, dorsal premotor cortex, and parts of the somatosensory and superior parietal cortex when compared to iTBS600 followed by 2 sham runs, supporting the notion of a cumulative (dosage) effect, rather than delayed effect of a single dose of iTBS |
Nettekoven et al. (2015) |
N = 16 (7:9) 27.0 ± 3.0 |
Pretest–posttest, sham-controlled, within-subjects, repeated measures (time-points) |
iTBS: 3 runs, 15 min apart 70% RMT |
Hot-spot – (L) primary motor cortex; APB |
Resting-state fMRI [~ 3 min] Functional connectivity In responders, ↑ FC between primary motor cortex and bilateral supplementary motor area and dorsal premotor cortex, as well as the contralateral primary motor cortex rsFC ↑ with each dose of iTBS in responder group, but not for non-responders. i.e. multiple doses of iTBS did not change responsiveness to iTBS (non-responders did not become responders) |
Orosz et al. (2012) | N = 12 (7:5) 23.9 ± 2.1 | Pretest–posttest, within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% RMT |
Hot-spot – (R) primary motor cortex; small hand muscles |
Task (finger tapping)-based and resting-state fMRI [immediate] CBF CBF ↑ at (R) primary motor cortex during finger tapping (left hand) compared to rest CBF ↑ at (R) primary motor cortex, and more voxels were implicated compared to baseline |
Ruan et al. (2017) |
N = 60 (30:30) 23.5 ± 4.4 |
Pretest–posttest, within- and between-subjects |
iTBS cTBS cTBSleft + iTBSright |
– (L) primary motor cortex; suprahyoid muscle |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional Connectivity cTBS ↓ ALFF in anterior cingulate gyrus iTBS ↑ ALFF to bilateral precuneus cTBS + iTBS ↓ ALFF in brainstem and ↑ ALFF in middle cingulate cortex and (L) precentral gyrus |
Ruan et al. (2019) |
N = 60 (30:30) 23.5 ± 4.4 |
Pretest–posttest, within- and between- subjects |
iTBS cTBS cTBSleft + iTBSright |
– (L) primary motor cortex; suprahyoid muscle |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional Connectivity cTBS ↑ ReHo in the (R) lingual gyrus and (R) precuneus, and ↓ ReHo in the posterior cingulate gyrus iTBS ↑ ReHo in the bilateral precentral gyrus, (L) postcentral gyrus, and cuneus, and ↓ ReHo in the (L) cerebellum, brainstem, (L) temporal gyrus, (R) insula, and (L) middle frontal gyrus cTBS + iTBS ↑ ReHo in the precuneus and ↓ ReHo in the (R) cerebellum posterior lobe, (L) cerebellum anterior lobe, and (R) inferior frontal gyrus |
Steel et al. (2016) | N = 22 (10:12) 26.0 ± 4.2 | Within subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Hot-spot – (L) primary motor cortex; FDI |
Task (motor procedural learning)- based fMRI [330 ± 80 s for the TBS and 450 ± 28 s for sham] BOLD and functional connectivity No effects of cTBS on BOLD response at any brain region ↓ global connectivity at (L) primary visual cortex and dorsal premotor area ↑ global connectivity at middle cingulate gyrus, dorsal anterior cingulate, and superior frontal gyrus ↓ FC between (L) inferior occipital gyrus and dorsal premotor area, supplementary motor area, and primary motor cortex ↓ FC between superior occipital gyrus and primary motor cortex and supplementary motor area ↑ FC between the middle temporal and dorsal anterior cingulate ↑ FC between the superior and inferior frontal gyri |
Van Nuenun et al. (2012) |
N = 11 (11:0) 27.0 ± 6.5 |
Within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Measurement – (L) dorsal premotor cortex (2 cm anterior and 1 cm medial to hot-spot [FDI]) |
Task (cued grip and lift)-based fMRI [15 min] BOLD cTBS did not modulate preparatory activity at (L) dorsal premotor cortex |
Welniarz et al. (2019) | N = 22c | Pretest–posttest, within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 90% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical) – (R) supplementary motor area |
Task (delayed response cued-movement go-no-go)-based fMRI [within 30 min of TBS] BOLD and Functional Connectivity cTBS did not affect BOLD Bimanual preparation: FC between (L) supplementary motor area and primary motor cortex was negative before cTBS and positive afterward FC between (L) and (R) supplementary motor area was positive pre cTBS and reinforced post (L) and (R) primary motor cortex FC was positive post cTBS |
Zhang et al. (2020) |
N = 40 (20:20) 23.7 ± 2.6 cTBS: n = 20 (10:10) 23.6 ± 2.2 iTBS: n = 20 (10:10) 23.0 ± 2.7 |
Pretest–posttest, between-subjects |
cTBS iTBS 80% AMT |
Hot-spot – (L) primary motor cortex; suprahyoid muscle |
Resting-state fMRI [within 30 min] Functional Connectivity cTBS: ↑ degree centrality in (L) inferior frontal gyrus compared to baseline iTBS: ↓ degree centrality in the (L) cerebellum and medial frontal gyrus ↑ degree centrality in the (R) superior temporal gyrus, superior frontal gyrus, and postcentral gyrus, as well as the (L) paracentral lobule compared to baseline |
TBS to the prefrontal cortex | |||||
Alkhasli et al. (2019) |
N = 16 (8:8) 27.6 ± 7.0 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
iTBS 90% RMT 120% RMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex: (Tal = − 45, 45, 35) |
Resting-state fMRI [7 min] Functional Connectivity Sub threshold stimulation: ↑ rsFC between (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the striatum, (L) and (R) caudate Supra-threshold stimulation: ↑ rsFC between (L) caudate and the (L) and (R) amygdala |
Anderkova et al. (2018) |
N = 20 (7:13) 25.2 ± 2.7 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS iTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (R) inferior frontal gyrus (MNI = 46, 14, 32) – (L) superior parietal lobule (MNI = − 24, − 68, 48) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional connectivity No reported effects of (R) inferior frontal gyrus stimulation |
Gratton, et al. (2013) |
N = 27 (16:11) 18–31 years b |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical and functional) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex – (L) anterior insula/frontal operculum – [(L) primary somatosensory cortex] |
Resting-state fMRI [~ 10 min] BOLD and Functional Connectivity Non-significant trend towards increased rsFC of the fronto-parietal network following TBS to both the (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and (L) anterior insula/frontal operculum compared to active control. Strongest ~ 20 min post TBS No whole brain effects immediately following TBS to either test site. Widespread frontal, parietal and cingulate effects 20 min post stimulation (L) anterior insula/frontal operculum: ↑ FC between (L) anterior insula/frontal operculum and bilateral regions of lateral inferior and middle frontal gyrus and at the (R) intraparietal sulcus, (R) superior frontal gyrus, orbito frontal cortex, posterior temporal lobe, and (L) anterior temporal lobe ↑ FC between (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, bilateral, supramarginal/angular gyrus, bilateral superior frontal gyrus, (L) precentral gyrus, (R) inferior anterior insula, and the midcingulate ↑rsFC between (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and DMN regions (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex:↑ rsFC between (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and bilateral areas of the anterior insula/frontal operculum, anterior cingulate, medial superior frontal gyrus, (R) middle frontal gyrus and anterior superior frontal gyrus ↑ rsFC between anterior insula/frontal operculum and (L) dorsal premotor cortex, middle and superior frontal gyrus, angular gyrus, (L) middle and superior temporal gyri and the right supramarginal gyrus No changes after cTBS to primary somatosensory cortex |
Gratton et al. (2014) |
N = 27 (16:11) 18–31 yearsb |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical and functional) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex – (L) anterior insula/frontal operculum – [(L) primary somatosensory cortex] |
Resting-state fMRI [~ 10 min] CBF Trend level ↑ in CBF at site of stimulation following cTBS, variability in direction and magnitude of CBF change following cTBS (increased and decreased) at all sites ↑CBF related to decreased FC of cingulo-opercular or fronto-parietal networks following cTBS to (L) anterior insula/frontal operculum or (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, respectively (not due to underlying baseline relationship) When stratified based on directionality of perfusion, group with ↑ perfusion showed reduced network connectivity, and ↓ perfusion showed increased network connectivity |
Gann et al. (2021a) |
N = 19 (7:12) 22.42 ± 2.36 |
Pretest-postest, within subjects |
iTBS cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex |
Task (serial reaction time task)- based fMRI [immediate] BOLD and functional connectivity No effect of stimulation type on BOLD response in predefined ROI (basal ganglia, hippocampus, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex), no task-related interactions iTBS: ↑BOLD at intraparietal sulcus, cerebellar lobule and frontal cortex during sequence learning (vs random) compared to cTBS dorsolateral prefrontal cortex-hippocampal FC ↓ as a function of learning (serial reaction time task after stimulation) cTBS: DLPFC-hippocampal FC ↑ as a function of learning (serial reaction time task after stimulation) |
Gann et al. (2021b) |
N = 19 (7:12) 22.42 ± 2.36 |
Pretest-postest, within subjects |
iTBS cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex |
Resting-state and task (serial reaction time task)- based fMRI [immediate] BOLD – pattern similarity and multivoxel correlation structure No effect of c/iTBS affected early- or late-stage pattern similarity change at the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex cTBS: task (sequential, random learning) x stimulation (i/cTBS) interaction indicative of cTBS induced ↓ pattern similarity at early- and late-stage learning/practice during sequential learning at the putamen ↓ resting-state pattern similarity at hippocampus |
Hartwigsen et al. (2013) |
N = 17 (7:10) 23.8 ± 2.2 |
Within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (L) anterior inferior frontal gyrus (MNI = − 52, 34, − 6) – (L) posterior inferior frontal gyrus (MNI = − 52, 13, 8) |
Task (speech production)-based fMRI [immediate] BOLD and Functional Connectivity (L) posterior inferior frontal gyrus: ↓ BOLD at (L) posterior inferior frontal gyrus and ↑ BOLD at (R) posterior inferior frontal gyrus during pseudo word repetition (L) posterior inferior frontal gyrus: ↑ FC between (R) and (L) posterior inferior frontal gyri |
Heinen et al. (2017) |
N = 16 (10:6) 19–34 yearsb |
Pretest–posttest (1st session only), within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/visual) – (R) frontal eye field (mean MNI = 27, 3, 57) |
Task (visuospatial attention shifting)-based fMRI [immediate: 5–10 min] BOLD and Functional Connectivity ↓ BOLD bilateral frontal eye field, bilateral supramarginal gyri, (R) inferior parietal lobule, (R) and superior parietal lobule ↓ FC between (R) frontal eye field and (R) supramarginal gyrus, and putamen |
Howard et al. (2020) |
TBS n = 28 (12: 16) 24.0 ± 3.5 SHAM n = 28 (12: 16) 24.0 ± 4.5 |
Between-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% RMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (R) ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (MNI = 48, 38, 20) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional Connectivity ↓ in (R) central/lateral orbitofrontal cortex related global connectivity with cingulate cortex, lateral prefrontal cortex, posterior parietal cortex, ventro-temporal cortex, and left orbitofrontal cortex |
Iwabuchi et al. (2017) |
N = 28b 25.1 ± 7.1 |
Within-subjects, sham-controlled |
iTBSc: 3 runs, 5 min apart 80% RMT |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional connectivity ↓ between (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex |
Mastropasqua et al. (2014) |
TBS: n = 18 (9:9) 26.7 ± 3.8 SHAM: n = 14 (6:8) 27.07 ± 3.6 |
Pretest–posttest, between-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
10–20 system – (R) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (F4) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional Connectivity ↓ rsFC between (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and (R) posterior parietal cortex |
Singh et al. (2020) |
N = 26 (17:9) 28 ± 8 |
Pretest–posttest, between-subjects, sham-controlled |
iTBS 80% RMT |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex |
Resting-state fMRI [10 min] Functional connectivity ↑ rsFC of the rostral anterior cingulate cortex 10–15 minuites post stimulation ↓ rsFC between rostral and dorsal anterior cingulate cortices, 27–32 min post iTBS compated to 10–15 minuites post Stronger ↓ in rsFC between rostral and dorsal anterior cingulate cortices, medial prefrontal cortex and frontal poles 45–50 min post stimulation No effects of sham |
Shang et al. (2019) |
N = 36 (15:21) 22.9 ± 3.3 |
Pretest–posttest, within- and between-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% RMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (MNI = − 40, 26, 37) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional Connectivity and CBF ↓ rsFC between (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and (R) parahippocampal gyrus, (L) lingual gyrus and posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus No effects of sham No local effects on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activity ↑ CBF to (L) parahippocampal gyrus, (L) hippocampus, (L) amygdala, (L) inferior temporal cortex, (L) inferior parietal cortex and (L) precuneus—this did not survive statistical controls |
Tang et al. (2019) | N = 10 (6:4) 25.5 ± 2.8 | pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
iTBS 80% RMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (MNI = -44, 36, 20) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate, and repeated at 15 min] Functional Connectivity Immediately following TBS: rsFC ↑ between (L) dorsolateral superior frontal gyrus and (L) dorsal inferior frontal gyrus, and ↑ between the (L) rostral inferior frontal gyrus and (R) middle frontal gyrus rsFC ↓ within orbital gyrus regions Effects were attenuated ~ 15 min post TBS 15 min post TBS: rsFC ↓ between caudal inferior frontal gyrus and (R) medial amygdala rsFC ↓ between (L) left caudal inferior frontal gyrus and (R) medial orbital gyrus rsFC ↓ between the (R) opercular inferior frontal gyrus and (L) medial orbital gyrus rsFC ↑ between middle frontal gyrus and (L) orbital gyrus fALFF ↑ at (L) medial superior frontal gyrus, (L) dorsal middle frontal gyrus, (L) ventral cingulate gyrus, and (L) opercular inferior frontal gyrus |
Van Holstein et al. (2018) |
N = 27 (14:13) 21.7 ± 2.0 |
Within-subjects, no TMS baseline (either pretest, or 30 min post) |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (L) anterior prefrontal cortex (MNI = − 30, 60, 8) − (L) dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (MNI = -36,36, 20) − (L) premotor cortex (MNI = − 28, 10, 66) |
Task (task-switching reward manipulation)-based fMRI [immediate] BOLD (L) anterior prefrontal cortex: non-significant trend towards ↓ reward-related processing in the caudate nucleus No effects at other sites |
Vidal-Piñeiro et al. (2014) | N = 24 (12:12) 71.8 ± 6.8 | Between-subjects, sham-controlled |
iTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (L) inferior frontal gyrus (MNI = − 42,14,30) |
Task (encoding memory)-based and resting-state fMRI [immediate] BOLD and functional connectivity iTBS did not have any effects on rsFC during deep encoding BOLD ↑ at primary visual areas, lateral occipital cortex, ventral occipitotemporal areas and the cerebellum Frontal and posterior (cerebellum-occipital) connectivity was greater during deep encoding post iTBS |
Wawrzyniak et al. (2017) |
N = 20 (10:10) 25.1 ± 2.5 |
Within- subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (L) anterior inferior frontal gyrus (MNI = − 54, 26, 4) – (L) posterior middle temporal gyrus (MNI = − 51, − 31, 4) |
Resting-state fMRI [8.9 ± 0.4 min] Functional Connectivity No effects on rsFC |
TBS to the parietal cortex | |||||
Abellaneda-Pérez et al. (2019) |
Younger: n = 24 (5:19) 23.4 ± 1.6 Older: n = 28 (6:22) 68.2 ± 4.6 |
Pretest–posttest, between-subjects, sham-controlled |
iTBS Younger = 80% AMT Older = 90% AMT |
Neuronavigation (functional connectivity) – (L) inferior parietal lobule |
Resting-state fMRI [Younger: 33 ± 3 min, Older: 34 ± 5 min] Functional Connectivity ↑ rsFC between target and anterior (medial frontal) DMN seeds in younger adults ↑ rsFC between (L) inferior parietal lobe and posterior cingulate cortex in older adults who received active, but not sham iTBS ↑ pre-iTBS rsFC predicted “younger” or “younger like” response to iTBS |
Anderkova et al. (2018) |
N = 20 (7:13) 25.2 ± 2.7 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS iTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (R) inferior frontal gyrus (MNI = 46, 14, 32), – (L) superior parietal lobule (MNI = − 24, − 68, 48) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional connectivity iTBS to (L) superior parietal lobule: ↑ rsFC between (L) superior parietal lobule and (L) cerebellar nodule, and overall ↑ in rsFC within the dorsal attention network No effects of cTBS |
Hermiller et al. (2019) |
N = 24 (10:14) 23.5 ± 2.6 |
Within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS iTBS 80% RMT |
Neuronavigation (functional connectivity) – (L) parietal cortex |
Resting-state fMRI [~ 6 min] Functional Connectivity No effects of cTBS or iTBS on hippocampal-cortical network (target network), dorsal attention network (control), or primary visual network (control) Relationship between behavioural performance on an episodic memory task and hippocampal-cortical network connectivity |
Mancini et al. (2017) | N = 15 (7:8) 26 ± 3.28 | Pretest–posttest, between-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS distance adjusted motor threshold |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – precuneus (midline) |
Resting-state fMRI [5 min] Graph Analysis/Functional Connectivity Graph analysis: ↓ involvement of (L) temporal pole at 5–14 min post stimulation. No effects at 15–24 min post stimulation ↑ size of precuneus module at 15–24 min post stimulation Seed-based analysis: ↓ rsFC between precuneus and (L) temporal pole at 5–14 and 15–24 min post stimulation |
Thakral et al. (2020) |
N = 19 (5:14) 21.2 ± 0.38 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects, active-controlled | cTBS |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (L) angular gyrus [vertex] |
Resting-state fMRI [time to return to scanner unclear/not reported] Functional connectivity ↓ functional connectivity between angular gyrus and hippocampal seeds following cTBS to angular gyrus, but not vertex Note: analyses not fitting specified inclusion criteria have not been reviewed |
Valchev et al. (2015) |
N = 17 (11:6) 20.9 ± 2.0 |
Within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% RMT |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (L) primary somatosensory cortex (mean MNI: − 43 − 35 57) |
Resting-state fMRI [within 6 min] Functional connectivity ↓ rsFC between (L) primary somatosensory cortex and dorsal premotor cortex, and premotor cortex/supplementary motor area |
Valchev et al. (2016) |
N = 17 (11:6) 20.9 ± 2.0 |
Within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% RMT |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (L) primary somatosensory cortex (mean MNI: − 43 − 35 57) |
Task (action/observation)- based fMRI [within 6 min] BOLD No group effects at target site. Individual results indicate reduction of signal for some participants, and an increase for others |
TBS to the temporal cortex | |||||
Andoh et al. (2013) |
N = 13 (6:7) 23.3 ± 5.9 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS 41% MSO |
Neuronavigation (functional activation): – (L) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus – (R) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus Neuronavigation (anatomical) – [vertex] |
Task (melody)-based fMRI [immediate: 2.8 min ± 0.4 min] BOLD and Functional Connectivity (R) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus: ↑ BOLD at (R) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus, inferior and superior temporal cortices, and middle frontal gyrus (R) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus: ↑ FC between (L)/(R) auditory cortices, (L) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus and (R) pre- & post- central gyri and insula |
Andoh et al. (2015) |
N = 17 (8:9) 23.1 ± 4.9 |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS 41% MSO |
Neuronavigation (Anatomical/coordinate) – (L) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus (MNI = -51.4, -17.2, 2.6) – (R) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus (MNI = 54.6, -10.8, 0.3) – [vertex (anatomically defined)] |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate: day 1 = 2.8 ± 0.5 min, day 2 = 2.5 ± 0.3 min, day 3 = 2.4 ± 0.1 min] Functional Connectivity (R) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus: ↓ in ipsilateral and contralateral auditory regions, and bilateral motor (including motor, premotor, and primary and secondary somatosensory cortices) regions (L) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus: ↓ rsFC with (R) anterolateral Heschl's gyrus |
Pitcher et al. (2014) | N = 15b | Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS; Total pulses: 900 80% AMT or 30% MSO (whichever was higher) |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (R) posterior superior temporal sulcus – (R) occipital face area |
Task (face/emotion processing)-based fMRI [time to return to scanner unclear/not reported] BOLD (R) posterior superior temporal sulcus: ↓ (R) posterior superior temporal sulcus (dynamic faces) |
Pitcher et al. (2017) | N = 23 (10:13)b | Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS; Total pulses: 900 80% AMT or 30% MSO (whichever was higher) |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (R) posterior superior temporal sulcus – [vertex]; top of the head halfway between nasion/inion |
Task (face/emotion processing)-based fMRI [immediate] BOLD ↓ BOLD in response to faces at (R) posterior superior temporal sulcus, (R) anterior posterior superior temporal sulcus, and amygdala |
Soutschekid et al. (2020) |
N = 60 (23:37) 23.4 ± 2.4 |
Pretest–posttest, between-subjects, active-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Neuronavigation (anatomical/coordinate) – (R) temporoparietal junction (MNI = 60, − 58, 31) [vertex] |
Task (delayed gratification)-based fMRI [immediate] BOLD and Psychophysiological interactions (connectivity) No effects on striatum or ventromedial prefrontal cortex based on region of interest analysis. Interaction between delayed gratification and connectivity between the (R) temporoparietal junction and striatum ↓ dorsolateral prefrontal cortex activation following cTBS to the (R) temporoparietal junction compared to vertex, but no difference in (R) temporoparietal junction—dorsolateral prefrontal cortex connectivity between (R) temporoparietal junction and vertex stimulation Exploratory whole brain analysis revealed no effect of cTBS during task performance |
TBS to the occipital cortex | |||||
Groen et al. (2021) |
N = 16 (4:12) Average age = 24.4 years |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects, sham- and active-controlled |
cTBS 30% MSO |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (R) occipital place area – [(R) occipital face area |
Task (scene selectivity)-related fMRI [3 min] BOLD ↓ BOLD at parahippacampal face area post active stimulation (both conditions, stronger effects from occipital place area)—no effects of scene type/condition (ROI and whole brain analysis) ↓ BOLD at fusiform face area following active control (occipital face area) stimulation—no effects of scene type/condition (ROI and whole brain analysis) ↓ BOLD at occipital place area, fusiform face area, occipital face area and parahippacampal face area post occipital place area stimulation no effects of scene type/condition (whole brain analysis) Occipital face area stimulation resulted in ↑ BOLD at occipital face area, and ↓ BOLD at occipital place area, fusiform face area and parahippocampal face area—no effects of scene type/condition (whole brain analysis) |
Pitcher et al. (2014) | N = 15b | Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS; Total pulses: 900 80% AMT or 30% MSO (whichever was higher) |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (R) posterior superior temporal sulcus – (R) occipital face area |
Task (face/emotion processing)-based fMRI [time to return to scanner unclear/not reported] BOLD (R) occipital face area: ↓ (R) posterior superior temporal sulcus (static faces) |
Rahnev et al. (2013) |
N = 4(2:2) 23–32 yearsb |
Pretest–posttest, within-subjects |
cTBS 80% phosphene threshold |
Hot-spot “hunting procedure” – (L) occipital cortex – [vertex] |
Resting-state fMRI [time to return to scanner unclear/not reported] Functional connectivity ↓ between V1-2, V1-3, V2-3 ↓ between L-R V1, V2, V3 |
TBS to the cerebellum | |||||
Halko et al. (2014) | N = 9 (5:4)b | Pretest–posttest, within-subjects, sham-controlled |
iTBS 100% AMT |
Neuronavigation (functional) – (R) lateral cerebellum; Crus I or Crus II (mean MNI = 41, 72, 39) Neuronavigation (anatomical) – midline cerebellum; lobule VII (MNI = 1, 73, 33) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional Connectivity (R) lateral cerebellum: ↑ DMN FC Medial cerebellum: ↑ dorsal attention network connectivity |
Odorfer et al. (2019) | N = 8b | Pretest–posttest, between-subjects |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Measurement (3 cm lateral and 1 cm inferior to the inion) – (L) cerebellum (lobule VIII) followed by (R) cerebellum (60 s break between sites) – [dorsal premotor cortex] |
Task (finger-tapping)- related fMRI BOLD [immediate] Cerebellar cTBS had no effects on brain activation in healthy controls |
Rastogi et al. (2017) | N = 12 (7:5) 29.7 ± 9.4 | Pretest–posttest, within-subjects, sham-controlled |
cTBS 80% AMT |
Measurement – (R) cerebellum; crus 1 (1 cm inferior and 3 cm to the right of the inion) |
Resting-state fMRI [immediate] Functional Connectivity ↓ rsFC in active compared to sham cTBS in non-motor (cognitive) network: (L) inferior parietal lobe, posterior medial frontal cortex, lateral prefrontal cortex, and (R) medial posterior parietal cortex (precuneus) No effect on motor network |
↑: increased, ↓: decreased, L: left, R: right, ALFF amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation, AMT active motor threshold, APB abductor pollicis brevis, BOLD blood oxygen level dependant, CBF cerebral blood flow, cTBS continuous theta burst stimulation, DMN default mode network, fALFF functional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation, FC functional connectivity, FDI first dorsal interosseous, fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging, iTBS intermittent theta burst stimulation, MNI Montreal Neurological Institute coordinate system, MSO maximum stimulator output, ReHo regional homogeneity, RMT resting motor threshold, ROI region of interest, rsFC resting-state functional connectivity, TBS theta burst stimulation
aParameter detail only provided when divergent from those reported by Huang et al. (2005). Where detail was not provided, it has been assumed that the protocol is comparable to that reported by Huang et al. (2005)
bDemographic information unclear, incomplete or not provided
cAuthors (Iwabuchi et al. 2017) report iTBS, however, parameters are consistent with cTBS