Fig. 6. Biocompatibility test of T-ECH.
a, b Representative immunofluorescence images of the sciatic nerve 14 days after implantation with T-ECH, sham group, and stainless steel (S-100 in red; NFM in yellow; Iba1 in green; DAPI in blue). Scale bar = 100 μm. c–e Normalized fluorescence intensity of T-ECH, stainless steel, and sham group respectively for (c) S-100, (d) NFM, and (e) Iba1. Data are plotted as mean values and the error bar represents the standard deviation. One-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison tests were employed for statistical analysis; *P < 0.05 ***P < 0.001 with a confidence level of 95%. (n = 5 devices examined with individual mice for S100 and NFM of sham. n = 7 for S100 and NFM of T-ECH and stainless steel, n = 7 for Iba1 of all groups. For comparison of S-100 intensity, P = 0.03 for both between T-ECH and stainless steel and between Sham and stainless steel. For comparison of Iba1 intensity, P = 0.0004 for both between T-ECH and stainless steel and between Sham and stainless steel).