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. 2023 Apr 5;10:1122005. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1122005


Analyses of clinical and peripheral blood parameters of Patients with IBD-associated Neoplasia vs. patients without neoplasia.

Variables IBD-associated
(N = 12)
IBD without
(N = 350)
Gender 0.370
Male 7(58.3) 234(66.9)
Female 5(41.7) 116(33.1)
Age(years) 0.410
≤50 5(41.7) 121(34.6)
>50 7(58.3) 229(65.4)
Time from diagnosis(month) 0.033
≤120 8(66.7) 314(89.7)
>120 4(33.3) 36(10.3)
Extent of IBD <0.001
Rectal 1(8.3) 23(6.6)
rectosigmoid 1(8.3) 45(12.9)
Left colon 2(16.6) 83(23.7)
Extensive colon 0(0) 139(39.7)
total colon 8(66.7) 60(17.1)
Intestinal resection in anamnesis 0.010
Yes 3(25) 12(3.4)
No 9(75) 338(96.6)
infection Clostridium difficile 0.171
Yes 4(33.3) 64(18.3)
No 8(66.7) 286(81.7)
Abscess or fistula 0.099
Yes 3(25) 32(9.4)
No 9(75) 318(90.6)
History of smoking 0.453
Yes 2(16.7) 43(12.3)
No 10(83.3) 307(87.7)
HBsAg 0.567
Positive 1(8.3) 23(6.6)
Negative 11(91.7) 327(93.4)
Colonic polyp formation 0.012
Yes 4(33.3) 26(7.4)
No 8(66.7) 324(92.6)
NAR*100 0.186
≤16.6 6(50.0) 241(68.9)
>16.6 6(50.0) 109(31.1)
NPAR*1,000 0.002
≤62.1 4(33.3) 269(76.9)
>62.1 8(66.7) 81(23.1)
AAPR 0.685
≤0.38 2(16.7) 50(14.3)
>0.38 10(83.3) 300(85.7)
AGR 0.551
≤2.05 5(41.7) 118(33.7)
>2.05 7(58.3) 232(66.3)
AFR 1.000
≤0.18 4(33.3) 119(34.0)
>0.18 8(66.7) 231(66.0)
≤124.31 6(50.0) 176(50.3) 0.984
>124.31 6(50.0) 174(49.7)
≤42.15 8(66.7) 87(24.9) 0.003
>42.15 4(33.3) 263(75.1)

Bold fonts represented that P value was < 0.05.