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. 2023 Apr 18;6(4):e238694. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.8694

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics According to Offspring Exposure to Maternal HDP.

Characteristic Offspring, No. (%)
No HDP (n = 2 432 469) Preeclampsia or eclampsia (n = 70 465) Hypertension (n = 34 487) Total (n = 2 537 421)
No 2 416 910 (99.36) 69 799 (99.05) 34 207 (99.19) 2 520 916 (99.3)
Yes 15 559 (0.64) 666 (0.95) 280 (0.81) 16 505 (0.7)
No 76 476 (3.14) 6 420 (9.11) 1 504 (4.36) 84 400 (3.3)
Yes 2 355 993 (96.86) 64 045 (90.89) 32 983 (95.64) 2 453 021 (96.7)
Boy 1 247 135 (51.27) 36 633 (51.99) 17 859 (51.78) 1 301 627 (51.3)
Girl 1 184 003 (48.67) 33 793 (47.96) 16 618 (48.19) 1 234 414 (48.6)
Unknown 1 331 (0.05) 39 (0.06) 10 (0.03) 1 380 (0.1)
Maternal parity
1 1 081 546 (44.46) 46 281 (65.68) 16 307 (47.28) 1 144 134 (45.1)
2 910 979 (37.45) 16 353 (23.21) 11 645 (33.77) 938 977 (37.0)
≥3 439 944 (18.09) 7 831 (11.11) 6 535 (18.95) 454 310 (17.9)
Maternal age at childbirth, y
<20 55 607 (2.29) 2 111 (3.00) 321 (0.93) 58 039 (2.3)
20-24 420 422 (17.28) 14 356 (20.37) 3 703 (10.74) 438 481 (17.3)
25-29 883 768 (36.33) 25 175 (35.73) 10 065 (29.18) 919 008 (36.2)
30-34 736 200 (30.27) 18 472 (26.21) 11 557 (33.51) 766 229 (30.2)
≥35 336 472 (13.83) 10 351 (14.69) 8 841 (25.64) 355 664 (14.0)
Maternal smoking during pregnancya
No 1 331 155 (77.22) 39 723 (80.99) 23 862 (83.90) 1 394 740 (77.4)
Yes 317 090 (18.39) 6 895 (14.06) 3 529 (12.41) 327 514 (18.2)
Unknown 75 647 (4.39) 2 429 (4.95) 1 050 (3.69) 79 126 (4.4)
Maternal education duration at childbirth, y
0-9 632 432 (26.00) 19 812 (28.12) 6 967 (20.20) 659 211 (26.0)
10-14 1 035 184 (42.56) 31 244 (44.34) 15 297 (44.36) 1 081 725 (42.6)
≥15 721 102 (29.64) 18 594 (26.39) 11 827 (34.29) 751 523 (29.6)
Unknown 43 751 (1.80) 815 (1.16) 396 (1.15) 44 962 (1.8)
Maternal cohabitation at childbirth
No 1 104 341 (45.40) 36 311 (51.53) 16 079 (46.62) 1 156 731 (45.6)
Yes 1 324 415 (54.45) 34 131 (48.44) 18 398 (53.35) 1 376 944 (54.3)
Unknown 3 713 (0.15) 23 (0.03) 10 (0.03) 3 746 (0.1)
Maternal residence at childbirth
Copenhagen 281 456 (11.57) 7 884 (11.19) 3 739 (10.84) 293 079 (11.6)
City with ≥100 000 inhabitants 313 767 (12.90) 9 536 (13.53) 5 116 (14.83) 328 419 (12.9)
Other 1 837 246 (75.53) 53 045 (75.28) 25 632 (74.32) 1 915 923 (75.5)
Maternal country of origin
Denmark 294 956 (12.13) 5 550 (7.88) 2 685 (7.79) 303 191 (11.9)
Not Denmark 2 130 963 (87.60) 64 819 (91.99) 31 762 (92.1) 2 227 544 (87.8)
Unknown 6 550 (0.27) 96 (0.14) 40 (0.12) 6 686 (0.3)
Maternal income
No income 439 493 (18.98) 10 757 (15.99) 5 133 (15.29) 455 383 (18.8)
Less than the lower tertiles 624 787 (26.99) 19 254 (28.61) 8 207 (24.45) 652 248 (27.0)
Lower and higher tertiles 623 272 (26.92) 19 128 (28.43) 10 173 (30.31) 652 573 (27.0)
More than the higher tertiles 624 967 (27.00) 18 143 (26.96) 10 047 (29.93) 653 157 (27.0)
Unknown 2 552 (0.11) 9 (0.01) NRb 2 565 (0.1)
Prepregnancy maternal BMIc
<18.5 37 185 (4.20) 578 (2.24) 399 (2.02) 38 162 (4.1)
18.5-24.9 525 047 (59.24) 11 697 (45.26) 8 454 (42.87) 545 198 (58.5)
25.0-29.9 175 326 (19.78) 6 554 (25.36) 4 814 (24.41) 186 694 (20.0)
≥30.0 99 384 (11.21) 6 182 (23.92) 5 391 (27.34) 110 957 (11.9)
Unknown 49 372 (5.57) 835 (3.23) 660 (3.35) 50 867 (5.5)
Maternal RE history before childbirth
No 2 424 213 (99.66) 70 166 (99.58) 34 275 (99.39) 2 528 654 (99.7)
Yes 8 256 (0.34) 299 (0.42) 212 (0.61) 8 767 (0.3)
Paternal RE history before childbirth
No 2 399 617 (98.65) 69 287 (98.33) 33 915 (98.34) 2 502 819 (98.6)
Yes 7 559 (0.31) 204 (0.29) 136 (0.39) 7 899 (0.3)
Unknown 25 293 (1.04) 974 (1.38) 436 (1.26) 26 703 (1.1)

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); HDP, hypertensive disorder of pregnancy; NR, not reported; RE, refractive error.


Maternal smoking during pregnancy was available in Denmark from 1991 to 2018.


Not allowed to report when there were fewer than 6 cases due to data protection in Denmark.


Prepregnancy maternal BMI was available in Denmark from 2004 to 2018.