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. 2023 Apr 18;6(4):e238694. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.8694

Table 2. Hazard Ratios for the Association Between Maternal HDP and Overall High RE and Specific Types of High RE in Offspring.

Outcome, exposure Cases, No. Rate, per 1000 person-years Hazard ratio (95% CI)
Crude Adjusteda
Overall RE
No maternal HDP 15559 0.46 1 [Reference] 1 [Reference]
Maternal HDP
Overall 946 0.70 1.49 (1.40-1.59) 1.39 (1.31-1.49)
Preeclampsia or eclampsia
Overall 666 0.69 1.49 (1.38-1.61) 1.44 (1.33-1.55)
Preeclampsia 661 0.69 1.50 (1.38-1.62) 1.44 (1.33-1.56)
Moderate 426 0.59 1.28 (1.16-1.41) 1.27 (1.16-1.40)
Severe 160 1.02 2.18 (1.86-2.54) 1.89 (1.62-2.21)
HELLP syndrome 28 1.55 3.14 (2.16-4.54) 2.15 (1.48-3.12)
Unspecified 47 0.79 1.73 (1.30-2.30) 1.74 (1.31-2.32)
Eclampsia NRb 0.53 1.14 (0.48-2.75) 1.06 (0.44-2.54)
Overall 280 0.71 1.48 (1.32-1.67) 1.31 (1.16-1.47)
Pregestational hypertension 130 0.81 1.66 (1.40-1.98) 1.29 (1.09-1.53)
Gestational hypertension 150 0.64 1.36 (1.16-1.59) 1.32 (1.12-1.55)
No maternal HDP 11201 0.33 1 [Reference] 1 [Reference]
Maternal HDP
Overall 707 0.52 1.54 (1.42-1.66) 1.41 (1.30-1.52)
Preeclampsia or eclampsia
Overall 485 0.50 1.51 (1.38-1.65) 1.43 (1.31-1.57)
Preeclampsia 481 0.50 1.51 (1.38-1.66) 1.44 (1.31-1.57)
Moderate 308 0.43 1.29 (1.15-1.44) 1.27 (1.13-1.42)
Severe 119 0.76 2.23 (1.86-2.67) 1.91 (1.59-2.29)
HELLP syndrome 19 1.05 2.81 (1.79-4.41) 1.82 (1.16-2.86)
Unspecified 35 0.59 1.80 (1.29-2.51) 1.82 (1.30-2.53)
Eclampsia NRb 0.42 1.27 (0.48-3.39) 1.17 (0.44-3.13)
Overall 222 0.56 1.60 (1.40-1.83) 1.36 (1.19-1.55)
Pregestational hypertension 108 0.68 1.85 (1.53-2.24) 1.37 (1.13-1.66)
Gestational hypertension 114 0.48 1.42 (1.18-1.71) 1.35 (1.12-1.62)
No maternal HDP 2843 0.08 1 [Reference] 1 [Reference]
Maternal HDP
Overall 150 0.11 1.32 (1.12-1.56) 1.30 (1.10-1.53)
Preeclampsia or eclampsia
Overall 114 0.12 1.40 (1.16-1.69) 1.36 (1.13-1.65)
Preeclampsia 113 0.12 1.40 (1.16-1.69) 1.37 (1.13-1.65)
Moderate 69 0.10 1.13 (0.89-1.43) 1.13 (0.89-1.43)
Severe 27 0.17 2.05 (1.40-3.00) 1.84 (1.26-2.70)
HELLP syndrome 7 0.38 5.13 (2.45-10.75) 4.47 (2.13-9.40)
Unspecified 10 0.17 1.96 (1.05-3.65) 1.93 (1.03-3.58)
Eclampsia NRb 0.11 1.25 (0.18-8.91) 1.14 (0.16-8.11)
Overall 36 0.09 1.13 (0.81-1.57) 1.13 (0.81-1.57)
Pregestational hypertension 13 0.08 1.05 (0.61-1.81) 1.00 (0.58-1.73)
Gestational hypertension 23 0.10 1.18 (0.78-1.78) 1.22 (0.81-1.83)
No maternal HDP 2513 0.07 1 [Reference] 1 [Reference]
Maternal HDP
Overall 148 0.11 1.45 (1.23-1.71) 1.45 (1.22-1.71)
Preeclampsia or eclampsia
Overall 108 0.11 1.50 (1.23-1.81) 1.53 (1.26-1.86)
Preeclampsia 108 0.11 1.51 (1.25-1.83) 1.55 (1.27-1.88)
Moderate 64 0.09 1.19 (0.93-1.52) 1.26 (0.98-1.62)
Severe 28 0.18 2.37 (1.63-3.43) 2.15 (1.48-3.12)
HELLP syndrome NRb 0.22 2.89 (1.08-7.70) 2.15 (0.81-5.74)
Unspecified 12 0.20 2.71 (1.54-4.78) 2.84 (1.61-5.01)
Eclampsia NRb NRb NRb NRb
Overall 40 0.10 1.34 (0.98-1.83) 1.26 (0.92-1.72)
Pregestational hypertension 18 0.11 1.48 (0.93-2.35) 1.20 (0.75-1.91)
Gestational hypertension 22 0.09 1.25 (0.82-1.90) 1.31 (0.86-2.00)
Other types of RE
No maternal HDP 1436 0.04 1 [Reference] 1 [Reference]
Maternal HDP
Overall 98 0.07 1.67 (1.36-2.04) 1.60 (1.30-1.96)
Preeclampsia or eclampsia
Overall 71 0.07 1.72 (1.36-2.18) 1.69 (1.33-2.15)
Preeclampsia 71 0.07 1.74 (1.37-2.21) 1.71 (1.34-2.18)
Moderate 50 0.07 1.63 (1.23-2.16) 1.68 (1.26-2.23)
Severe 13 0.08 1.90 (1.10-3.29) 1.63 (0.94-2.81)
HELLP syndrome NRb 0.16 3.53 (1.14-10.97) 2.27 (0.73-7.06)
Unspecified NRb 0.08 1.99 (0.83-4.79) 2.10 (0.87-5.05)
Eclampsia NRb NRb NRb NRb
Overall 27 0.07 1.53 (1.05-2.25) 1.39 (0.95-2.03)
Pregestational hypertension 13 0.08 1.77 (1.02-3.05) 1.38 (0.80-2.39)
Gestational hypertension 14 0.06 1.37 (0.81-2.31) 1.39 (0.82-2.36)

Abbreviations: HDP, hypertensive disorder of pregnancy; HELLP, hemolysis, elevated liver enzyme level, and low platelet count; NR, not reported; RE, refractive error.


Adjusted for calendar year, sex, singleton, parity, maternal age, maternal smoking, maternal cohabitation, maternal country of origin, maternal residence, maternal education duration, maternal income at birth, maternal prepregnancy body mass index, and parental RE before childbirth.


Not allowed to report when there were fewer than 6 cases due to data protection in Denmark.