Extreme longevity demonstrates shifts in immune cell repertoire compared to younger age groups.A. Bar chart of the relative proportions of the lymphocyte and myeloid immune cell subtypes for each sample across the integrated scRNA-seq datasets: Younger Age, Middle age, Older age, and EL. B. Boxplot of subject specific cell type diversity statistic of 12 immune cell subtypes, grouped by age groups (F-test p-value = 0.0001875). C. Bar chart of the estimated proportions of the lymphocyte and myeloid immune cell subtypes in each age group, grouped separately for males and females. The proportions were estimated using a Bayesian multinomial regression model, and the average 1833 cells per sample allowed us to estimate the smallest proportion 0.3% with 95% confidence. D. Heatmap of the age coefficient comparing Middle, Older, and EL age groups to the Younger age group (right) and heatmap of the sex coefficient for each cell type comparing Females compared to Males. We calculated the Z-statistic and p-value of significance for each coefficient, represented with: ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001.