Extended Data Fig. 1. Characteristics of skate chromosomes, repeat content and skate genome.
a–c, Characteristics and classification of skate chromosomes according to their size (x-axis) and GC% (a), number of LINE insertions (b) and gene density (c) per 50kb window. d, Repetitive landscape computed as JC divergence of repeat occurrence toward the consensus element in the repeat library. e–f, Distribution of gene and intron size in selected chordate species: amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae, Bralan), the cloudy catshark (Chiloscyllium punctatum, Chipun), the little skate (Leuraja erinacea, Leueri), the zebrafish (Danio rerio, Danrer) and human (Homo sapiens, Homsap). g, gene size distribution in three chromosomal categories. h, distribution of retention rates inferred for CLGs in the spotted gar (Lepisosteus oculatus). e–h, mean dot) and standard deviation (bar) are indicated with the violin plot area. i. Rates of evolution of genes located in α or β segments estimated as ML distance to the amphioxus outgroup (LG+Γ).