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. 2023 Apr 6;6:1120989. doi: 10.3389/fdata.2023.1120989

Table 3.

Review of the literature for TB detection using CXRs based on different feature extraction methods.

References Highlights Pretraining Dataset
Govindarajan and Swaminathan (2021) Texture-based feature descriptors with ML classifier No Montgomery
Alfadhli et al. (2017) Used SURF as feature extractor and SVM as classifier No Montgomery
Jaeger et al. (2014) Used texture-based features (LBP, HOG) and statistical feature with ML Classifier No Shenzhen, Montgomery
Chandra et al. (2020) Used shape and textural features with SVM No Shenzhen, Montgomery
Santosh et al. (2016) Used PHOG as features with MLP as classifier No Shenzhen, Montgomery
Duong et al. (2021) Used Pretrained EfficientNet and ViT, and developed a hybrid of two Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery, Chestxray14, COVID-CXR (Chowdhury et al., 2020)
Ayaz et al. (2021) Used Feature ensemble of handcrafted and deep features Yes Shenzen, Montgomery
Dasanayaka and Dissanayake (2021) Generated synthetic images, performed segmentation and used feature ensemble for classification Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery
Msonda et al. (2020) Used spatial pyramid pooling for deep feature extraction Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery, private
Sahlol et al. (2020) Used Meta-heuristic approach for Deep feature selection Yes Shenzen, Montgomery, PedPneumonia
Rahman et al. (2020b) Performed segmentation and used different visualization techniques Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery, NIAID TB, RSNA
Rajaraman and Antani (2020) Performed tri-level classification and studied task adaptation Yes RSNA pneumonia, PedPneumonia, Indiana, Shenzhen
Rajpurkar et al. (2020) Developed a web-based system for TB affected HIV patients Yes CheXpert private dataset
Zhang et al. (2020) Used deep model with Attention based CNN (CBAM) module Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery
Rahman M. et al. (2021) Merged publicly available CXR dataset with XGBoost as classifier Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery
Owais et al. (2020) Used a feature ensemble by combining low and high level features Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery
Das et al. (2021) Modified a pre-trained InceptionV3 for TB classification Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery
Munadi et al. (2020) Used enhancement techniques to improve deep classification Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery
Oloko-Oba and Viriri (2020) Used deep learning-based pipeline for classification Yes Montgomery
Ul Abideen et al. (2020) Proposed the Bayesian CNN to deal with uncertain TB and non-TB cases that have low discernibility. Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery
Hwang et al. (2016) Proposed a modified AlexNet-based model for end-to-end training. Also performed cross-database evaluations. Yes Shenzhen, Montgomery
Gozes and Greenspan (2019) Proposed MetaChexNet, trained on CXRs and metadata of gender, age and patient positioning. Later, finetuned the model for TB classification Yes ChestXray14, Shenzhen, Montgomery

Pretraining (yes/no) refers to the use of weights of a deep model trained on ImageNet dataset. Private refers that the data used being in-house and is not released publicly.