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. 2023 Apr 19;76(Suppl 1):S41–S48. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciac945

Table 1.

Comparison of Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Clinical Characteristics of Children With Moderate-to-Severe Diarrhea (MSD) to Children Without MSD During May 2015 to July 2018 in 3 Sites in sub-Saharan Africa: Basse and Bansang, The Gambia; Bamako, Mali; and Siaya County, Kenya

Children With MSD
(n = 4603)
Children Without MSD
(n = 5976)
Demographic features
ȃAge in months, n (%)
ȃȃ0–11 1629 (35.4) 2035 (34.1) .031
ȃȃ12–23 1618 (35.2) 2038 (34.1)
ȃȃ24–59 1356 (29.5) 1903 (31.8)
ȃSite, n (%)
ȃȃThe Gambia 1579 (34.3) 2046 (34.2) .076
ȃȃMali 1542 (33.5) 1896 (31.7)
ȃȃKenya 1482 (32.2) 2034 (34.1)
Females, n (%) 2136 (46.4) 2767 (46.3) .92
More than 2 under-5 children per caretaker, n (%) 2298 (49.9) 2778 (46.5) <.001*
Crowding (>3 people sleeping per room), n (%) 1862 (40.5) 2405 (40.2) .83
Socioeconomic features
Caretaker completed ≥ primary school, n (%) 1549 (33.7) 2107 (35.3) .09
Household possessions, n (%)
Car 556 (12.1) 678 (11.4) .25
Scooter 2362 (51.4) 2932 (49.1) .02*
Bike 2437 (53.0) 3257 (54.6) .109
Cart 1314 (28.6) 1609 (27.0) .07
Phone 4409 (95.9) 5767 (96.6) .05
Radio 3537 (76.9) 4658 (78.0) .172
Agricultural land 2621 (57.0) 3590 (60.1) .001*
Electricity 2446 (53.2) 3259 (54.6) .15
Television 2148 (46.7) 2691 (45.1) .10
Refrigerator 742 (16.1) 933 (15.6) .48
Principal component, mean (SD) 00541 (1.45) −0.00417 (1.44) .74
Finished floor (missing = 20) 3337 (72.6) 4341 (72.8) .78
Clean cooking fuela (missing = 18) 261 (5.7) 331 (5.5) .78
Improved drinking water (missing = 1) 3871 (84.1) 5207 (87.2) <.0001*
Improved sanitation 2891 (62.8) 3382 (56.6) <.0001*
Clinical variables
Stunted at enrollment, n (%) 1003 (21.8) 1270 (21.3) .50
Diagnosed pneumonia,b n (%) 79 (1.7) 76 (1.3) .07
Days to follow-up, mean (SD) 66.8 (7.1) 66.1 (6.8) <.0001*
Duration of diarrhea,c median (range), days 5 (1-20) 0 (0-14) <.0001*

Abbreviations: MSD, moderate-to-severe diarrhea; SD, standard deviation.

Clean fuel includes electric, propane, butane, or natural gas.

Subsequent morbidity information came from a questionnaire at ∼60 days follow-up.

Wilcoxon rank-sum test; 27.2% of children without MSD went on to develop diarrhea (≥3 abnormally loose stools in 1 day) during the 14 days after enrollment, as recorded by caretakers on the memory aid card.

*Significant, P < .05.