(A) GC-MS metabolomics profiling from 3×100 control midguts or
midguts overexpressing sSpi in esg+ cells for 4 days. Heatmap
of top 35 altered metabolites (Top 35 by P value). Raw data was log transformed
and normalized by Pareto scaling, and then Z-scores were calculated across all
samples. Each row represents one metabolite. For complete data see Data S5. (B) Enrichment
analysis results of metabolomics following sSpi overexpression, from
MetaboAnalystR. (C) Differences in abundance of major lipid classes after sSpi
overexpression for 4 days. Y-axis represents log2 fold-changes between sSpi and
control samples. For each class, mass-spectrometry peaks belonging to lipids in
the class were summed. Values from control and sSpi-overexpression biological
replicates were then compared via t-test. Significance is depicted by the
bars’ color, with grey bars indicating that differences are not
significant (p>0.05). Circles on top of the bar-plot depict the relative
abundance of each lipid class in sSpi overexpression samples. For the full list
of lipids, see Data S5.
(D) EGFR signaling-induced ISC proliferation was repressed by CPT1 inhibition.
Etomoxir (25μM), a CPT1 inhibitor, was mixed in fly food and fed to flies
36h prior to dissection. Etomoxir had no effect on control guts, but reduced
mitotic cell number in sSpi-overexpressing guts. (E) Flow cytogram showing that
EGFR signaling increased ISC mitochondrial membrane potential (TMRM staining),
which was repressed by CPT1 inhibition. (F) The Ratios of redox and energy upon
2 days EGFR signaling activation by targeted metabolomics, NADPH/NADP+ was found
to be increased. For complete data see Data S5. (G-H) Flow cytogram
showing that EGFR signaling increased 2NE-DG (G) and BODIPY uptake; (H)
fluorescent dodecanoic acid uptake in 2C, 4C, and 8C cells of midgut epithelial.
See also Figure S4.