Table 2. Herbicide product names, and rates used for termination of respective cover crop species.
Adjuvants added with respective herbicides are shown in footnotes.
Cover crop species | Herbicide active ingredient | Herbicide product name | Rate (g ae or ai/ha) |
Wheat and cereal rye | Clethodima | Select Maxx® | 275 |
Glufosinateb | Liberty® | 657 | |
Glyphosateb | Roundup Powermax® | 1268 | |
Glufosinate + Glyphosateb | Liberty® + Roundup Powermax® | 1268 + 657 | |
Paraquatc | Gramaxone® | 700 | |
Paraquat+metribuzinc | Gramaxone® + Glory 4L® | 560 + 262 | |
Quizalofopc | Provisia™ | 233 | |
Saflufenacild | Sharpen® | 100 | |
Sethoxydimc | Poast® | 425 | |
Rapeseed and hairy vetch | 2,4-Dc | LOW VOL 4 | 1068 |
2,4-D + glufosinateb | LOW VOL 4+ Liberty® | 534 + 657 | |
2,4-D + glyphosateb | LOW VOL 4 + Roundup Powermax® | 534 + 1268 | |
Dicamba | XtendiMax® | 560 | |
Glufosinateb | Liberty® | 657 | |
Glyphosateb | Roundup Powermax® | 1268 | |
Glyphosate+glufosinateb | Liberty® + Roundup Powermax® | 1268 + 657 | |
Paraquatc | Gramaxone® | 700 | |
Thifensulfuron + tribenuronc | Harmony Extra® | 24 + 12 |
aNon-ionic surfactant applied at 0.25% v/v
bAmmonium sulfate applied at 1% w/v
cCrop oil concentrate applied at 1% v/v
dMethylated seed oil applied at 1% v/v