(A) Heatmap representing the genetic correlation analyses (rg) for LTL across LC, histological subtypes (lung adenocarcinoma [ADE], squamous cell carcinoma [SQC], and small-cell carcinoma [SCC]), smoking propensity (cigarettes per day [CPD], smoking cessation [SmkCes], Smoking initiation [SmkInit], and age of smoking initiation [AgeSmk]), and lung function related (forced vital capacity [FVC] and forced expiratory volume [FEV1]) traits. The black star indicates correlations that passed Bonferroni correction (p<4x10–04). Heritability (h2) as the proportion of the phenotypic variance caused by SNPs. (B) Plot of Z-scores (ADE versus LTL), restricting to the Hapmap SNPs (~1.2 million) but excluding HLA region. Genome-wide significant SNPs (p<5x10–08) for each trait were coloured (CPD in red, SmkInit in dark red, LTL in dark blue, AgeSmk in blue, SmkCes in lightblue, and not genome-wide hits for LTL or any other selected trait in white). Linear regression line was coloured in red.