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. 2016 Nov 7;61(3):269–275. doi: 10.1590/2359-3997000000223

Table 2. Thyroid volume, echogenicity, and presence of nodules in oldest old individuals.

  80-89 years ≥ 90 years

Normal TSH Increased TSH P Normal TSH Increased TSH P
Thyroid volume (mL) – Mean ± SD (n = 35) (n = 19)   (n = 17) (n = 10)  
Total 10.07 ± 3.60 9.18 ± 6.59 0.105a 11.50 ± 4.13 7.37 ± 3.29 0.012*
< 6 mL (n; %) 6; 17.1% 8; 42.1% 0.058b 2; 11.8% 4; 40.0% 0.154b
> 20 mL (n; %) 0; 0.0% 1; 5.3% 0.352b 0; 0.0% 0;0.0% -
Echogenicity – (n; %)            
ECO1 22; 62.9% 4; 21.1% 0.001c 8; 47.1% 3; 30% 0.602b
ECO2 11; 31.4% 7; 36.8% 4; 23.5% 2; 20%
ECO3 2; 5.7% 8; 42.1% 5; 29.4% 5; 50%
Nodules – (n; %)            
Yes 23; 65.7% 7; 36.8% 0.080c 14; 82.4% 7; 70% > 0.999b
No 12; 34.3% 12; 63.2%   3; 17.6% 3; 30%  

* Student’s t test; a Mann-Whitney test; b Fisher’s exact test; c chi-square test.

ECO1: isoechoic (the echogenicity of the parenchyma was similar to that of the submandibular gland); ECO2: mildly hypoechoic (the parenchyma was hypoechoic compared with the submandibular gland, but hyperechoic in relation to the cervical muscles); ECO3: hypoechoic (the parenchyma was isoechoic or hypoechoic when compared with the cervical muscles).