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. 2023 Apr 21;23:729. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-15627-6

Table 2.

Sample characteristics and prenatal care utilization among pregnant women with CL-OUD

Total Timely Prenatal Care Late Prenatal Care p valuea Adequate Prenatal Care Inadequate Prenatal Care p valuea
N = 317 N = 203 (64.0%) N = 114 (36.0%) N = 174 (54.9%) N = 143 (45.1%)
Age, years b 28.1 ± 4.5 (R: 18–42) 28.0 ± 4.4 28.2 ± 4.8 0.67 28.0 ± 4.6 28.2 ± 4.5 0.63
Gravidity c 0.12 0.28
 1 (First Pregnancy) 42 (13.2%) 23 (11.3%) 19 (16.7%) 24 (13.8%) 18 (12.6%)
 2–3 122 (38.5%) 86 (42.4%) 36 (31.6%) 73 (42.0%) 49 (34.3%)
 4 +  153 (48.3%) 94 (46.3%) 59 (51.8%) 77 (44.3%) 76 (53.1%)
Parity 0.76 0.42
 1 (First Delivery) 75 (23.9%) 48 (23.8%) 27 (24.1%) 46 (26.7%) 29 (20.4%)
 2–3 170 (54.1%) 112 (55.4%) 58 (51.8%) 89 (51.7%) 81 (57.0%)
 4 +  69 (22.0%) 42 (20.8%) 27 (24.1%) 37 (21.5%) 32 (22.5%)
Chronic Medical Condition c 0.38 0.15
 No 80 (25.2%) 48 (23.6%) 32 (28.1%) 38 (21.8%) 42 (29.4%)
 Yes 237 (74.8%) 155 (76.4%) 82 (71.9%) 136 (78.2%) 101 (70.6%)
Pregnancy-Related Medical Condition c 0.001
 No 176 (55.5%) - - 82 (47.1%) 94 (65.7%)
 Yes 141 (44.5%) - - 92 (52.9%) 49 (34.3%)
Nicotine Use in Pregnancy 0.36 0.67
 No 48 (15.2%) 28 (13.9%) 20 (17.7%) 25 (14.4%) 23 (16.2%)
 Yes 267 (84.8%) 174 (86.1%) 93 (82.3%) 148 (85.6%) 119 (83.8%)
OUD Severity d 0.67 0.27
 Mild 8 (5.0%) 6 (5.5%) 2 (4.0%) 7 (7.1%) 1 (1.6%)
 Moderate 37 (23.1%) 23 (20.9%) 14 (28.0%) 21 (21.4%) 16 (25.8%)
 Severe 115 (71.9%) 81 (73.6%) 34 (68.0%) 70 (71.4%) 45 (72.6%)
History of Injection Drug Use c 0.41 0.10
 No 91 (28.8%) 55 (27.2%) 36 (31.6%) 43 (24.9%) 48 (33.6%)
 Yes 225 (71.2%) 147 (72.8%) 78 (68.4%) 130 (75.1%) 95 (66.4%)
Hepatitis C Diagnosis c 0.21 0.17
 None 130 (42.3%) 86 (43.4%) 44 (40.4%) 69 (41.1%) 61 (43.9%)
 History of Infection 63 (20.5%) 45 (22.7%) 18 (16.5%) 41 (24.4%) 22 (15.8%)
 Active Infection 114 (37.1%) 67 (33.8%) 47 (43.1%) 58 (34.5%) 56 (40.3%)
MOUD at Prenatal Care Initiation c 0.16
 Buprenorphine 174 (55.8%) 119 (59.5%) 55 (49.1%) - -
 Methadone 58 (18.6%) 36 (18.0%) 22 (19.6%) - -
 None documented 80 (25.6%) 45 (22.5%) 35 (31.2%) - -
Duration of MOUD c 0.003
 Entire Prenatal Care Period 213 (68.9%) - - 130 (76.5%) 83 (59.7%)
 Documented MOUD Interruption 38 (12.3%) - - 13 (7.6%) 25 (18.0%)
 No MOUD documented 58 (18.8%) - - 27 (15.9%) 31 (22.3%)
Mood Disorder 0.56 0.32
 No 61 (19.2%) 37 (18.2%) 24 (21.1%) 30 (17.2%) 31 (21.7%)
 Yes 256 (80.8%) 166 (81.8%) 90 (78.9%) 144 (82.8%) 112 (78.3%)
Anxiety Disorder 0.26 0.34
 No 69 (21.8%) 40 (19.7%) 29 (25.4%) 34 (19.5%) 35 (24.5%)
 Yes 248 (78.2%) 163 (80.3%) 85 (74.6%) 140 (80.5%) 108 (75.5%)
History of any Interpersonal Trauma c 0.05 0.19
 No 139 (45.0%) 80 (40.8%) 59 (52.2%) 69 (41.6%) 70 (49.0%)
 Yes 170 (55.0%) 116 (59.2%) 54 (47.8%) 97 (58.4%) 73 (51.0%)
History of Physical Trauma d 0.33 0.44
 No 177 (64.4%) 105 (62.1%) 72 (67.9%) 89 (62.2%) 88 (66.7%)
 Yes 98 (35.6%) 64 (37.9%) 34 (32.1%) 54 (37.8%) 44 (33.3%)
History of Sexual Trauma d 0.03 0.41
 No 176 (63.3%) 101 (58.4%) 75 (71.4%) 91 (61.1%) 85 (65.9%)
 Yes 102 (36.7%) 72 (41.6%) 30 (28.6%) 58 (38.9%) 44 (34.1%)
Number of Psychiatric Diagnoses b, c 2.1 ± 1.2 (R: 0–5) 2.2 ± 1.2 2.0 ± 1.3 0.43 2.3 ± 1.2 2.0 ± 1.1 0.03
Race e 0.40 0.20
 Black or African American 2 (0.6%) 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.9%) 0 (0.0%) 2 (1.5%)
 American Indian or Alaskan Native 3 (1.0%) 3 (1.5%) 0 (0.0%) 3 (1.8%) 0 (0.0%)
 Asian 0 (0.0%) - - - -
 Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1 (0.3%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.9%) 1 (0.6%) 0 (0.0%)
 White 300 (97.4%) 195 (97.5%) 105 (97.2%) 166 (97.1%) 134 (97.8%)
 Multiracial 2 (0.6%) 1 (0.5%) 1 (0.9%) 1 (0.6%) 1 (0.7%)
Ethnicity e 0.50 1.00
 Hispanic/Latina 9 (2.9%) 7 (3.6%) 2 (1.8%) 5 (3.0%) 4 (2.9%)
 Non-Hispanic/Latina 297 (97.1%) 190 (96.4%) 107 (98.2%) 162 (97.0%) 135 (97.1%)
Marital Status 0.33 0.64
 Single 76 (25.0%) 53 (26.8%) 23 (21.7%) 44 (26.0%) 32 (23.7%)
 Married or Partnered 228 (75.0%) 145 (73.2%) 83 (78.3%) 125 (74.0%) 103 (76.3%)
Stable Housing Source c  < 0.001 0.002
 No 82 (26.8%) 37 (18.9%) 45 (40.9%) 34 (19.8%) 48 (35.8%)
 Yes 224 (73.2%) 159 (81.1%) 65 (59.1%) 138 (80.2%) 86 (64.2%)
Education d 0.77 0.63
 Less than secondary school 53 (26.9%) 34 (25.4%) 19 (30.2%) 31 (27.7%) 22 (25.9%)
 Secondary school or GED completed 90 (45.7%) 63 (47.0%) 27 (42.9%) 48 (42.9%) 42 (49.4%)
 Tertiary, partial and completed 54 (27.4%) 37 (27.6%) 17 (27.0%) 33 (29.5%) 21 (24.7%)
Employment c 0.14 0.34
 Any unemployment 211 (73.8%) 138 (71.1%) 73 (79.3%) 119 (71.7%) 92 (76.7%)
 Employed only 75 (26.2%) 56 (28.9%) 19 (20.7%) 47 (28.3%) 28 (23.3%)
Health Insurance e 0.15 0.48
 Private only 7 (2.2%) 3 (1.5%) 4 (3.6%) 3 (1.7%) 4 (2.9%)
 Private and Public 6 (1.9%) 6 (3.0%) 0 (0.0%) 5 (2.9%) 1 (0.7%)
 Public (i.e., Medicaid, State Plan) 284 (91.0%) 181 (90.0%) 103 (92.8%) 155 (90.1%) 129 (92.1%)
 Uninsured 15 (4.8%) 11 (5.5%) 4 (3.6%) 9 (5.2%) 6 (4.3%)
Prenatal Care Location c 0.02  < 0.001
 Non-rural 132 (41.6%) 75 (36.9%) 57 (50.0%) 58 (33.3%) 74 (51.7%)
 Rural 185 (58.4%) 128 (63.1%) 57 (50.0%) 116 (66.7%) 69 (48.3%)
Utilized own transportation d 0.19 0.08
 No 145 (71.8%) 89 (68.5%) 56 (77.8%) 78 (66.7%) 67 (78.8%)
 Yes 57 (28.2%) 41 (31.5%) 16 (22.2%) 39 (33.3%) 18 (21.2%)
Transportation by family or friends d 0.17 0.98
 No 119 (58.9%) 72 (55.4%) 47 (65.3%) 69 (59.0%) 50 (58.8%)
 Yes 83 (41.1%) 58 (44.6%) 25 (34.7%) 48 (41.0%) 35 (41.2%)
Utilized publicly subsidized transportation d 0.02 0.04
 No 117 (57.9%) 83 (63.8%) 34 (47.2%) 75 (64.1%) 42 (49.4%)
 Yes 85 (42.1%) 47 (36.2%) 38 (52.8%) 42 (35.9%) 43 (50.6%)
Most Intensive Legal Involvement c  < 0.001 0.001
 Incarceration 151 (50.3%) 80 (41.5%) 71 (66.4%) 70 (41.9%) 81 (60.9%)
 Court Diversion Program 42 (14.0%) 35 (18.1%) 7 (6.5%) 32 (19.2%) 10 (7.5%)
 Community Supervision 107 (35.7%) 78 (40.4%) 29 (27.1%) 65 (38.9%) 42 (31.6%)
Number of live children 0.38 0.36
 0 83 (26.2%) 53 (26.1%) 30 (26.3%) 51 (29.3%) 32 (22.4%)
 1 97 (30.6%) 68 (33.5%) 29 (25.4%) 54 (31.0%) 43 (30.1%)
 2 70 (22.1%) 40 (19.7%) 30 (26.3%) 33 (19.0%) 37 (25.9%)
 3 +  67 (21.1%) 42 (20.7%) 25 (21.9%) 36 (20.7%) 31 (21.7%)
Parenting Status d 0.01 0.68
 No custody of older children 147 (63.4%) 86 (57.3%) 61 (74.4%) 77 (62.1%) 70 (64.8%)
 Current custody of older children 85 (36.6%) 64 (42.7%) 21 (25.6%) 47 (37.9%) 38 (35.2%)
History of Child Protective Service Involvement d 1.00 0.53
 No 62 (32.1%) 41 (32.3%) 21 (31.8%) 39 (33.9%) 23 (29.5%)
 Yes 131 (67.9%) 86 (67.7%) 45 (68.2%) 76 (66.1%) 55 (70.5%)

Statistically significant, p-value < 0.05

ap-values were obtained by Student t-test for continuous variables, χ2 test, or Fisher exact test for small samples for categorical variables

b Mean, standard deviation, and range values calculated for continuous variables

c Variable considered for inclusion in multivariable analysis when p-value < 0.25 and < 10% missing data

d Variable has more than 10% missing data

e Variable excluded from multivariable analysis due to lack of sufficient cell variability