Fig. 3. LncRIM modulates iron metabolism in a Hippo-YAP pathway-dependent manner.
a, b The expression of DMT1 and TFR1, and the levels of p-LATS1 (S909, T1079), and p-YAP (S127) were detected in control, LncRIM knockdown or LncRIM overexpressed MCF-7 and MDA-MB-468 cells. c–e LncRIM promoted the expression of DMT1 and TFR1 in YAP-dependent manner. Immunoblot (c) and RT-qPCR were performed to detect the expression of DMT1 (d) and TFR1 (e) in control and YAP knockdown MCF-7 cells with or without overexpression of LncRIM. (mean ± SD, n = 3 biologically independent experiments, two-way ANOVA analysis). f The cellular iron level of control and YAP-silenced MCF-7 cells with or without LncRIM overexpression was measured by Calcein-AM assay. Values were normalized to the control group (mean ± SD, n = 3, Two-way ANOVA analysis). g, h The expression of DMT1 and TFR1 (g) as well as the cellular iron level (h) was detected by immunoblot and Calcein-AM assay in YAP-rescued MCF-7 cells. Values were normalized to those in the control group. (mean ± SD, n = 3, One-way ANOVA analysis). i MEME analysis of YAP/TEAD binding motif in the DMT1 promoter region by using GSE38369. j YAP/TEAD directly regulates the transcription of DMT1. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay combined with RT-qPCR were performed by using the IgG and TEAD4 antibodies. (mean ± SD, n = 3, two-sided Student’s t test). k Luciferase reporter assay was performed with overexpression of YAP-5SA and DMT1-promoter or DMT1-promoter deleted mutants (CATTCT) in MCF-7 cells (mean ± SD, n = 3, Two-way ANOVA analysis). l, m Immunoblot (l) and Calcein-AM assays (m) were performed to assess the expression of DMT1, TFR1 and iron level in control or IRP2 knockdown MCF-7 cells with overexpression of YAP or LncRIM. (mean ± SD, n = 3, two-way ANOVA analysis).