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. 2022 Oct 27;20(1):230–244. doi: 10.1007/s13311-022-01304-w

Table 1.

Clinical information of participants in our study. We analyzed the progression of Lafora disease in patients treated with metformin (a) and without metformin (b)

Patient Gene DNA mutation Protein mutation Age of onset (years) Duration of evolution (years) Comorbidity Additional treatments Neuroimaging Data published Metformin dose Side effects
P1 EPM2A c.877C > T Homozygous (exon 4) Gln293Ter 10 9 - VPA, CZP, PER Normal - 850 mg/12 h -
P2 EPM2B c.203G > A Homozygous Cys68Tyr 14 6 - LEV, CZP, VPA Venous angioma (no related with Lafora disease) - 850 mg/12 h -
P3 EPM2B c.203G > A Homozygous Cys68Tyr 13 3 - LEV (inicio M12) Normal - 850 mg/12 h—> 850 mg/d Diarrhea
P4 EPM2B c.348C > A, Homozygous Cys116Ter 13 5 - VPA, LEV, CZP, ZNS Normal - 1000 mg/12 h -
P5 EPM2B c.468_469del/c.203G > T p.G158Rfs*17/p.C68F 10 5 - BRV (started at M12) Nonexistent - 850 mg/d Diarrhea
P6 EPM2A non-sens c.721 C > T (exon4), del exon 2 p.Arg241*/Ex2del 15 9 - CBD, ZNS, CLN, PER Normal - 500 mg/8 h -
P7 EPM2A non-sens c.721 C > T (exon4), del exon 2 p.Arg241*/Ex2del 13 5 - VPA, PER, TPM, CBD Normal - 500 mg/8 h -
P8 EPM2A c.512G > A Arg171His 14 4 - LZP, BRV, PER, ZNS, CBD Normal - 500 mg/d—> 500 mg/8 h since M6 -
Patient Gene DNA mutation Protein mutation Age of onset (years) Duration of evolution (years) Comorbidity Additional treatments Neuroimaging Data published Metformin dose Side effects
P9 EPM2A c.508C > Tp Homozygous Pro170Ser 9 11 PER, BRV, CLB Nonexistent On metformin for 3 weeks and stopped the treatment
P10 ? (pending, positive biopsia) ? ? 13 6 PHT, CZP, LTG Normal
P11 EPM2A c.322 C > T Homozygous Arg108Cys 13 4 PER, PB, VPA, ZNS, piracetam Temporal arachnoid cysts (not related with Lafora disease, asymptomatic)
P12 EPM2B c.656 G > A / c.451 G > T Trp219Ter / Val151Phe 10 10 Febrile seizure at 12 months LEV, CLB, ZNS, VPA, CZP, PER, risperidone Mild brain atrophy
P13 EPM2A c.98_121del Homozygous Glu33_Arg41delinsGly 16 4 CZP, BRV, citalopram Nonexistent
P14 EPM2A c.290 T > G Homozygous Leu97Arg 14 14 LEV, BRV, CLB, VPA, stiripentol, CZP, aripiprazole Normal On metformin for 3–4 months
P15 EPM2A c.721 C > T / c.487 A > G R241X / N163D 14 10 no CLB, VPA, ZNS, LEV, PER Normal
P16 EPM2A c.70 G > C Homozygous Gly24Arg 10 10 Febrile seizure at 12 months LEV Normal
P17 EPM2A c.163 C > T Homozygous p.Gln55Ter 10 3 no VPA Nonexistent
P18 EPM2A c.721 C > T Homozygous R241X 12 5 no PER, BRV, VPA, CLB, CLN Normal

BRV brivaracetam, CBD cannabidiol, CLB clobazam, CZP clozapine, LEV levetiracetam, LTG lamotrigine, LZP lorazepam, PER perampanel, PHT phenytoin, TPM topiramate, VPA valproic acid, ZNS zonisamide