Seascape condition shapes human well-being in diverse ways, including material processes that influence work and income from industries such as fishing and tourism; affective and cognitive responses to changes in important places, species, and landscapes; and changes in the composition and roles of local human communities, policies, and strategies (Gibson et al. 2019). Well-being can be understood broadly as living a life that is comfortable, secure, healthy, and happy. In addition to its material dimensions, well-being is also a function of subjective psycho-physiological processes and social relations, which are in turn influenced by individual characteristics (e.g. age, class, culture, gender, and livelihood) and social-ecological location and context (Warr 2012). Understanding human well-being is critical for achieving ecological sustainability because well-being is a dominant influence on decisions about how to use and manage seascapes, it influences self-efficacy, and it is a desired outcome of effective governance |