Figure 5.
The CRP-binding groove in the GPVIex/glenzocimab complex. (A) Zoomed-in view of the CRP-binding groove of the CRP-bound GPVI (PDB ID: 5OU8) (A) and glenzocimab-bound GPVI (PDB ID: 7R58) (B); structures shown in gray and green, respectively, with CRP shown in magenta. In (C) both structures are superimposed: the CRP-binding groove is largely made from the βC and βF strands within D1. In the glenzocimab-bound structure the R38 shifts 3.5 Å toward CRP and clashes with a CRP hydroxyproline residue. The side chain of R38 in both structures is shown as a stick, and the shift is shown using a red dotted line.