Binding site of macrocyclic Gαq protein inhibitors and inhibitor-protein interactions
(A) Binding site of YM (magenta) at the heterotrimeric Gαqβ1γ2 protein (Gαq cyan, Gβ1 light gray, Gγ2 dark gray) as determined by X-ray crystallography (PDB: 3AH8).36 Guanosine diphosphate is shown in yellow. A close-up illustrating the binding pose of YM, highlighting the amino acids Arg60 and Glu191, at the membrane is displayed at the right.
(B) 2D-ligand interaction diagram of YM at the binding pocket of the Gαq protein, generated by Molecular Operating Environment (Chemical Computing Group, Cambridge, UK). See also Figures S1–S4 for ligand-binding site interactions of YM and FR derivatives.