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. 2023 Apr 21;32(9):2695–2706. doi: 10.1007/s11136-023-03414-0

Table 2.

Characteristics assessed only in participants from the CoWELL study (CoWELL sample)

CoWell sample
N = 1581
Original Imputeda
n % %
Highest education
Compulsory education/Vocational schooling 305 19 20
Upper secondary education 252 16 17
University education 972 61 63
Unknown 52 3 n.a
Employment status
Employed/In education 1393 88 90
Otherb 154 10 10
Unknown 34 2 n.a
Job type
Health Services 460 29 31
Essential servicesc 204 13 14
Office jobsd 703 44 47
Othere 109 7 8
Unknown 105 7 n.a
Living situation
Alone 274 17
Partner 573 36
Partner and children 456 29
Parents and/or children 143 9
Other situationf 135 9
Physical distancing behaviour
Physical distancing 1032 65
(Self-)isolation 228 14
No physical distancing/Initial physical distancing 321 20
Contact to person with COVID-19
No 1302 82
Yes, assumed/confirmed 279 18
Perceived COVID-19
No 1408 89 89
Yes 168 11 11
Unknown 5 0.3 n.a
At risk for severe course of COVID-19
No 1331 84 85
Yes 243 15 15
Unknown 7 0.4 n.a
Having person to ask for support
No 47 3 3
Yes 862 55 55
No need for support 646 41 42
Unknown 26 2 n.a
Contact frequency with family and friends
No, not enough contact 292 18 19
Yes, enough/No need for contact 1260 80 81
Unknown 29 2 n.a
Frequency of information about COVID-19
Daily 1016 64 68
Several times per week 333 21 22
Once per week or less 149 9 10
Unknown 83 5 n.a
Mean SD
Time since start of pandemic measures (days)g 59.2 8.9
Health literacy (score) 42.2 6.2

SD standard deviation

aValued derived from Multiple Imputation using Chained Equations (MICE) creating 20 imputed datasets; imputed values are presented in percentages since MICE provides percentages only

bOther employment status includes persons who were retired (n = 98), managing a household (n = 13), seeking for a job (n = 24), receiving disability insurance (n = 4), or other forms of occupation (n = 15)

cEssential services include jobs within the areas of agriculture, manufacturing, waste management, construction (n = 37); trade, transportation, gastronomy (n = 76); education (n = 43); social work (n = 48)

dOffice jobs spans the fields of information and communication, finances, insurances, real estate (n = 68); scientific and technical activities (n = 5); administration (n = 414); arts and other service activities (n = 216)

eOther job type includes persons who were retired (n = 51), unemployed (n = 46) or not actively working (n = 12)

fOther living situation includes persons living in a shared apartment (n = 101) or other living arrangements (n = 34)

gPandemic measures were introduced in Switzerland on 16 March 2020