Short-time kinetics of the icosahedron assembly for different numbers of species and colors. The main plot shows the time evolution of the fraction of monomers, P1(t), for short times using different designs with multiple species and colors. The lines are fits using P1(t)=1/(1 + Kρt), with K as a fitting parameter and ρ = 0.1, for the short time scale of the kinetics (the fit is constrained to the range where P1 is higher than 80%). The inset shows the aggregation rate as a function of the number of colors for two different densities, ρ = 0.1 and ρ = 0.001. We also show a theoretical line given by K = 8πD(σ + δ)χ2𝒞, with D = 0.1. All results were calculated using T = 0.097 and averaged over five independent samples.