FIGURE 1. Median performance scores across the eight core components of the standardized WHO Infection Prevention and Control Assessment Framework (a) in all 267 hospitals, (b) stratified by hospital type (for 185 private and 82 public hospitals) and (c) stratified by hospital level (for 103 level 2 and 164 level 3 hospitals), Colombia, 2021a.
CC: core component; CC-1: IPC program; CC-2: IPC guidelines; CC-3: IPC education and training; CC-4: surveillance for health care–associated infection; CC-5: multimodal strategies for implementing infection prevention and control interventions; CC-6: monitoring/audit of IPC practices and feedback; CC-7: workload, staffing and bed occupancy; CC-8: built environment, materials and equipment for IPC at the facility level; IPC: infection prevention and control.
Source: Figure prepared by the authors based on the results of their study.