A. Putative phosphorylation sites mapped on the structure of p110γ (PDB: 7MEZ) and cartoon schematic. The regions are colored based on domain schematics featured in Fig 2A.
B. Raw MS spectra of the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated peptide for a region spanning 579–592 (RYESLKHPKAYPKL) and 593–607 (FSSVKWGQQEIVAKT). The putative phosphorylation sites in the sequence are shown in red, with the m/z theoretical (m/z t) and m/z experimental (m/z t) shown below each sequence.
C-E. Extracted traces and ratios of the intensity of extracted ion traces of different phosphorylation site peptides (Top to bottom: S594/S595 and S582) from (C) p110γ, (D) p110γ/p84 or (E) p110γ/p101 samples treated with increasing concentration of PKCβ according to the legend. The black traces in the ratio graphs are the intensity of the non-phosphorylated peptide, and the red traces in the ratio graphs are the intensity of the phosphorylated peptide.