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[Preprint]. 2023 Apr 16:2023.04.13.536769. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.04.13.536769

Figure 1: Examples of systems with strong temporal dynamics, where the timing of management interventions might be important.

Figure 1:

(A) Numbers of bees infected with Crithidia bombi captured at an old-field site in Lansing, NY, sampled in 2017. Data replotted from Graystock et al. (2020), Supplementary Fig. 2d. (B) Oscillations in the abundance of pine looper moth Bupalus piniarius in three forests in the UK. Data are log10(1+x)-transformed annual estimates of spatially averaged pupal abundance by the UK Forestry Commission, from Kendall et al. (2005).