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[Preprint]. 2023 Apr 13:2023.04.12.536558. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.04.12.536558

Extended Data Figure 4. FGF-21 is increased in renal cell carcinoma due to increased circulating VEGF.

Extended Data Figure 4.

(A) Photos of kidneys from the same mouse, injected with PBS (left) or with Renca cells (right), and a lung from a Renca tumor-bearing mouse, stained with India ink. Metastases appear white. (B) Tumor Vegfa and Fgf21 mRNA expression in human renal cell carcinoma (n=877 for both proteins). Data from the Human Protein Atlas43. FKPM, fragments per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads. (C) Tissue FGF-21 protein, measured by ELISA (n=6 liver, 6 kidney, and 5 tumor). (D) Plasma FGF-21 concentrations in mice injected with Renca cells into the renal cortex that did not ultimately grow out a palpable tumor (n=5 on day 0, and 6 on all subsequent days). (E) Survival of RCC patients whose tumors were in the upper and lower quartile (n=219 per quartile) for Vegfa expression. (F) Plasma VEGF concentrations in mice injected with Renca cells into the renal cortex that did not ultimately grow out a visualized tumor (n=6). (G) Plasma VEGF concentrations in mice with Renca RCC tumors (n=5 per timepoint until week 3, at which n=4). (H) Plasma NEFA concentrations in mice injected with recombinant VEGF (n=5 per group). In all panels, *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001.