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[Preprint]. 2023 Apr 13:2023.04.12.536558. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.04.12.536558

Table 3.

Flux ratios and absolute rates measured in mice infused with [3-13C] lactate. APE indicates the atom percent enrichment, and GNG denotes gluconeogenesis.

Equation Interpretation
Turnover=(TracerAPEPlasmaAPE1)*Infusionrate 1.
Whole-body endogenous glucose production (EGP) or palmitate turnover
Liverglycogenolysis=[Liverglycogen]t2[Glycogen]tt 2.
Liver glycogenolysis rate
Totalgluconeogenesis=EGPliverglycogenolysis 3.
Whole-body gluconeogenesis (VGNG)
Fraction of gluconeogenesis derived from pyruvate, measured in plasma (i.e. whole-body), liver, or kidney
XFE=11+[13C1]glucose2*[13C2]glucose 5.
Fractional triose enrichment
Corrected[13C2]glucose=Measured[13C2]glucose2*[C4C5C613C2]glucose 6.
Doubly-labeled glucose arising from the condensation of two singly labeled trioses, correcting for doubly labeled glucose arising from one doubly labeled triose condensing with an unlabeled triose
GNGKGNG=1GNGfrompyruvateTGNGfrompyruvateKGNGfrompyruvateLGNGfrompyruvateK 7.
Fractional contribution of the kidney to total gluconeogenesis
Absolute rate of gluconeogenesis from the kidney