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[Preprint]. 2023 Mar 2:2023.03.02.530826. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.03.02.530826

Figure 4: Shared genetic regulation of multiple molecular features.

Figure 4:

A) Number of genes in colocalized gene-OCR pairs for each cell type. B) OCR-gene pairs with shared genetic regulation are enriched for enhancer-promoter interaction. C) OCRs and their lead caQTL variant are enriched for being located in the same cell type specific topologically associated domain (TAD). D) Fine-mapped caQTL variants are enriched for fine-mapped eQTL variants from multiple cell types across a range of posterior probability thresholds. E) caQTL detected in glia for OCR at chr14:99,822,700–99,823,524 colocalizes with the eQTL signal for EML1 detected in brain homogenate (18). OCR locations are shown and the target of the caQTL is colored red.