Subject | Geographical Information System |
Specific subject area | Near Ultra-Violet night-time emission maps of Earth surface. |
Type of data | Tables with Raw Data (.txt) Images (.png) KMZ (Keyhole Markup language Zipped) files (.kmz) |
How the data were acquired | Data were acquired with the Mini-EUSO detector, a telescope with 25 cm diameter lenses and a 48 × 48-pixel focal surface, grouped in 6 × 6 Multi-Anode Photomultiplier Tubes (MAPMT) . Data are read by single photon counting ASICs and sent to a FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) board for acquisition and processing. A frame acquired by the telescope has a duration of 2.5 µs. Data are temporary stored by the FPGA in a circular buffer of 128 GTUs and sent to the CPU if the trigger conditions are met. Independently, a 40.96 ms time resolution (produced averaging 128 × 128 frames of 2.5 µs) are saved continuously. In this paper, we present data acquired with the continuous sampling period of 40.96 ms. |
Data format | Raw Analyzed |
Description of data collection | Raw data are acquired from the interior of the International Space Station (ISS), looking nadir through a UV-transparent window located in the Zvezda module. They are stored by the CPU on flash USB disks, which are returned to Earth about every 12 months. On ground, data are converted to ROOT ( format. Only night-time data, with the Sun more than 30° below the horizon, have been employed. |
Data source location | Mini-EUSO data cover the -51.6o<L<+ 51.6o latitude regions (corresponding to the inclination of the orbit of the ISS). The detector samples a swath of about 300 km size (44° field of view) along the orbit of the ISS). Data are thus limited by the path of the space station. Selected sections refer to North America and Europe/North Africa regions. |
Data accessibility | Repository name: Mendeley Data Data identification number: 10.17632/57fmn7rh4n.4 Direct URL to data: |
Related research article | M. Casolino, D. Barghini, M. Battisti et al., “Observation of night-time emissions of the Earth in the near UV range from the International Space Station with the Mini-EUSO detector” (Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 284, January 2023, 113336, |