Fig. 3.
Long-term dietary SCFA supplementations prevent deficits of recognition and memory in elderly APP/PS1 mice. (A) Schematic diagram for the long-term dietary supplementation with SCFA and behavior tests in APP/PS1 mice (created with (B–H) Recognition behavioral tests after SCFA treatment for 9 months were performed in 14-month-old APP/PS1 mice. Representative motion trajectories in novel object recognition (NOR) and novel object location (NOL) test. Images show the experimental details and operating procedures, as well as the trajectory tracking of each group of mice in NOR (FO: familiar Object, NO: novel Object) (B). The object recognition index (C) (**p = 0.0068; *p = 0.0383, one-way ANOVA) total distance (D) and average velocity (E) were recorded in NOR. Exploration time (F) (***p = 0.0003; **p = 0.0095, one-way ANOVA) total distance (G) and average velocity (H) were analyzed in NOL. (I–M) The Morris water maze test to assess the effect of the dietary SCFA on spatial memory in 14-month-old APP/PS1 mice. Representative illustrations show the trajectories of maze on the fifth training day and the final probe test of each experimental group (I). On training days, the swimming speed (J) and escape latency (time for mice to find the platform) (K) were evaluated (Normal diet: *p = 0.0347; SCFA diet: *p = 0.0432; two-way ANOVA with Tukey's test). The residence time of the target quadrant where the platform is located (L) (*p = 0.0224, **p = 0.0026; one-way ANOVA) and the number of times the virtual platform crosses (M) (*p = 0.0233, **p = 0.0097; one-way ANOVA) were evaluated in each group of mice in final probe test. (N–O) Dietary SCFA effect on failures in two-way shuttle box test (SBT). A schematic for shuttle box operation is presented (N); the number of failures in active avoidance response for each experimental group during the 6 days of training (O) (****p < 0.0001; two-way ANOVA with Tukey's test).
All data are presented as the mean ± s.e.m. WT, n = 10 mice; normal diet, n = 10 APP/PS1 mice; SCFA diet, n = 9 APP/PS1 mice.