Fig. 6.
Dietary SCFA enhance the cell communication of astrocyte-neuron metabolic coupling. (A, B) t-SNE showing 6 different subtypes of ASC cells (A). Left, cells colored by cell subtypes. Right, cells colored by WT, normal diet APP/PS1, and SCFA diet APP/PS1 mice. Sector graph showing the WT mice, APP/PS1 mice and APP/PS1 mice with SCFA supplementation in ASC1, ASC2 and ASC3 (B). (C) Heatmap showing the expression of ANMC-related differential genes in ASC1, ASC2 and ASC3 cell subtypes. Red and gray represent the level of gene Z-scores in the corresponding groups. (D–F) Network plot showing ANMC of ASC and NEUR respective communication with other cell types in WT (D), normal diet APP/PS1 (E), and SCFA diet APP/PS1 mice (F). The thickness of the lines between cells measured the strength of the signal. The red and green lines represented the contents of the ASC or NEUR as ligands. (G) Bar plot showing ratio of ANMC cell communication intensity between ASC and NEUR compared with all cells. (H) Bar plot showing the information flow differences of glutamatergic synapse signaling pathway related and glutamate-glutamine shuttle related cell-cell communication between WT, normal diet APP/PS1, and SCFA diet APP/PS1 mice using CellChat. (I) Effect of SCFA diet on GS levels in the hippocampus DG region of WT, normal diet APP/PS1, and SCFA diet APP/PS1 mice (scale bar, 100 μm). (J) Quantitative analysis of (I) (n = 3 mice; ****p < 0.0001, **p = 0.0023; one-way ANOVA). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)