Depletion of circFAT3 leads to loss of neuronal progenitor- and mature cortical neuron-populations in day 90 telencephalic cerebral organoids (COs). A UMAP plot of scRNA-seq data of CTRL and circFAT3 KD-derived cells of day 90 COs (n = 2) clustering of in total of 2714 and 739 cells (cells with > 500 UMI), respectively. Combining both conditions resulted in the identification of 13 clusters in total. NPCs, neural progenitor cells; RGCs, radial glial cells; IPs, intermediate progenitor cells; CPs, choroid plexus cells, CNs, cortical neurons; MSCs, mesenchymal cells, P, progenitors. B Heatmap of selected genes (depicted as mean z-score across cells within a cluster) characterizing the 13 clusters identified in panel A. C UMAP plot of scRNA-seq data from CTRL and circFAT3 KD-derived cells of day 90 COs demonstrating cell origin from either CTRL or circFAT3 KD condition in biological duplicates. Cell position corresponds to cells in panel A. D Quantification of cell numbers per cluster derived from either CTRL or circFAT3 KD day 90 COs. Clusters defined as indicated in A. E Log-normalized expression of selected marker genes from A to B, showing per-cluster specificity and abundance per cell for each gene. F IHC images of day 90 CTRL and circFAT3-depleted COs. MAP2 = magenta; SOX2 = green; DAPI = blue. 12 µm cryostat sections; scale bar = 300 µm. G Quantification of MAP2 signals in day 90 CTRL and circFAT3 COs. The signal intensity was normalized to the area analyzed (µm2). Values are presented as mean ± SEM. N = 6 (CTRL) and n = 7 (circFAT3) from two CO batches. Two-tailed unpaired t-test, *p < 0.05. H IHC images of day 90 CTRL and circFAT3 COs. TUJ1 = magenta; GFAP = green; DAPI = blue. 12 µm cryostat sections; scale bar = 300 µm. I, J Quantification of GFAP (I) and TUJ1 (J) signals in day 90 CTRL and circFAT3 COs. The signal intensity was normalized to the area analyzed (µm2). Values are presented as mean ± SEM. N = 6 (CTRL) and n = 7 (circFAT3) from two CO batches. Two-tailed unpaired t-test, *p < 0.05, ns: not significant