(A) Piston displacement d̃ vs pressure
the hyperquenched samples (0–5.8 mol %, R = ∞–16.2) and the CS (12.2 mol %, R = 7.2) at 77 K. The curves have been corrected for the slope at
∼1 GPa and are stacked for clarity. Roughly 200–400
mg were loaded into the cell, but the exact sample mass is unknown.
Therefore, no normalization relative to the amount of sample could
be performed, and absolute densification cannot be quantified. A straight
line at ∼1 GPa, after the steplike change in density, was subtracted
from the raw data (shown in Figure S1 in
the Supporting Information) to compensate for the compressibility
of the high-density glasses. For pure water, a change in piston displacement
of ∼0.50 mm was observed for the steplike feature, which implies
that ∼390 mg of sample were loaded (see Figure S1). The onset/offset pressure pOnset/pOffset is defined by the
intersection of the extrapolated baseline with a tangent aligned to
the inflection point of the sigmoidal increase as indicated in the
curve for pure water. (B) Onset pressure (filled squares) and width
(empty squares) of the polyamorphic transition with increasing mole
fraction of LiCl, where width is defined as pOffset – pOnset.