Figure 5. Formation of Pop14 (IfA12G1R5c).
(A) Genome-wide distribution of phylogenetic relationships among the three IfA12G1R5 populations (Pop6, Pop13, and Pop14) based on 50-SNP sliding window with Pop1 as the outgroup. The top panel shows all possible topologies, while the bottom panel shows the genome-wide average weighting of each topology.
(B) Distribution of topology weightings across eight chromosomes (colors as in A).
(C) Absolute divergence for paired comparisons of the three populations of IfA12G1R5 and other populations of C. hominis isolates using 10-kb sliding windows across chromosome 1. The first box shows the introgression of Pop6 sequences in Pop14, whereas the second box shows sequence identity between Pop13 and Pop14 in the region.
(D) Distribution of introgressed regions in the genomes of Pop14 based on the Fst value of 0 between Pop14 and the other populations across the eight chromosomes.
(E) Summary of the evolutionary history of IfA12G1R5 in the United States. The import of C. hominis IfA12G1R5 from Africa and Europe is shown with the solid arrow, whereas the putative genetic recombination is shown with the dashed arrow.