Expression of galactose-α1,3-galactose (Gal), N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc), and Sda (a product of β4GalNT2-KO) on red blood cells from (top to bottom) (a) a wild-type pig, (b) a GTKO/CD46 pig, (c) a GTKO/CD46/β4GalNT2-KO pig, (d) a triple-knockout (TKO) pig (in which all three pig glycan antigens have been deleted), and (e) a healthy human. Staining was for expression of Gal (isolectin BSI-B4), Sda (dolichos biflorus agglutinin, DBA), and Neu5Gc (chicken anti-Neu5Gc mAb). RBCs from GTKO/CD46 pigs expressed Sda and Neu5Gc, but not Gal. Neither Gal nor Sda was expressed on GTKO/CD46/β4GalNT2-KO pig RBCs. None of the 3 glycans was expressed on the TKO pig RBCs or on human RBCs