Table 1.
Id | Source | Year | Title | Author(s) | Country | LE |
01 | BVS | 2018 | “Prevalence and related factors of Active and Healthy Ageing in Europe according to two models: Results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)” | Bosch-Farré et al.14 | Spain | IV |
02 | BVS | 2018 | “Health, education and employment status of Europeans aged 60 to 69 years: results from SHARE survey” | Augner10 | Germany | IV |
03 | BVS | 2018 | “Predictors and estimation of risk for early exit from working life by poor health among middle and older aged workers in Korea” | Lee et al.15 | South Korea | IV |
04 | BVS | 2019 | “Short-Term and Medium-Term Impact of Retirement on Sport Activity, Self-Reported Health, and Social Activity of Women and Men in Poland” | Biernat et al.16 | Poland | IV |
05 | BVS | 2019 | “Quality of Life and Health: Influence of Preparation for Retirement Behaviors through the Serial Mediation of Losses and Gains” | Hurtado & Topa17 | Spain | VI |
06 | BVS | 2019 | “Associations of childhood health and financial situation with quality of life after retirement - regional variation across Europe” | Börnhorst et al.18 | Germany | IV |
07 | BVS | 2019 | “Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Health Management Program for the Elderly on Health-Related Quality of Life among Elderly People in China: Findings from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study” | Hao et al.19 | China | III |
08 | BVS | 2017 | “The interaction between individualism and wellbeing in predicting mortality: Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe” | Okely et al.20 | UK | III |
09 | BVS | 2017 | “Papel de trabalho, carreira, satisfação de vida e ajuste na aposentadoria” | Boehs & Silva21 | Brazil | IV |
10 | BVS | 2017 | “Common attributes in retired professional cricketers that may enhance or hinder quality of life after retirement: a qualitative study” | Filbay et al.22 | UK | IV |
11 | BVS | 2017 | “Quality of Life of the Elderly Receiving Old Age Pension in Lesotho” | Mugomeri et al.23 | Lesotho | IV |
12 | BVS | 2017 | “Retirement preparation program: evaluation of results” | Pazzim & Marin24 | Brazil | III |
13 | BVS | 2016 | “Qualidade de vida na concepção de docentes de Enfermagem aposentadas por uma Universidade Pública” | Liberatti et al.25 | Brazil | VI |
14 | BVS | 2016 | “Professional women ‘rebalancing’ in retirement: Time, relationships, and body” | Loe & Johnston26 | USA | IV |
15 | BVS | 2015 | “Redirection: An Extension of Career During Retirement” | Cook27 | Canada | VI |
16 | BVS | 2016 | “A Revised Australian Dietary Guideline Index and Its association with Key Sociodemographic Factors, Health Behaviors and Body Mass Index in Peri-Retirement Aged Adults” | Thorpe et al.28 | Australia | IV |
17 | PubMed | 2015 | “Mid-life occupational grade and quality of life following retirement: a 16-year follow-up of the French GAZEL study” | Platts et al.29 | UK | IV |
18 | PubMed | 2019 | “Associations between prevalente multimorbidity combinations and prospective disability and self-rated health among older adults in Europe” | Sheridan et al.30 | USA | IV |
19 | PubMed | 2016 | “Self-reported change in quality of life with retirement and later cognitive decline: prospective data from the Nurses’ Health Study” | Vercambre et al.31 | France | IV |
20 | PubMed | 2019 | “Do psychosocial factors modify the negative association between disability and life satisfaction in old age?” | Puvill et al.32 | Denmark | IV |
21 | PubMed | 2016 | “Social group memberships in retirement are associated with reduced risk of premature death: evidence from a longitudinal cohort study” | Steffens et al.33 | Australia | III |
22 | PubMed | 2018 | “Social isolation and multiple chronic diseases after age 50: A European macro-regional analysis” | Cantarero-Prieto et al.34 | USA | IV |
Maringá/PR - 2021.
BVS = Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde; LE = level of evidence; PubMed = Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina dos Estados Unidos.