Fecal microbiome differential composition abundance in aged male rats at different taxonomic levels. Analysis of compositions of microbiomes (ANCOM) with bias correction was used to test for differential abundance of individual amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) at phylum and genus level. Raw ASV counts were filtered for any ASVs present in at least 30% of all samples. ANCOM detection limit was set to the default value of 0.7 and was run on centered log ratio transformed count data using false discovery rate (FDR) < 0.05. At the phylum level, there were no significant differences across either treatment factors (A and B). Similarly at genus level, there were no significantly different genera across exercise treatment groups but there were three genera significantly altered by probiotic treatment (C). Data are expressed as group means ± 1 SE; (n = 63 rats). CON, Control; LP, L. paracasei; LPA, L. paracasei expressing Angiotensin (1–7).