Table 1. Characteristics of Policy Documents .
Document Number; Country | Title (Publisher) | Year Published (Years Operational) | Scope or Goal of the Policy |
Australia 122 | Australian National Strategic Action Plan on Arthritis (Australian Department of Health) | 2019 | Coordinate a national response to arthritis across state and territory governments, health service providers and funders, clinicians, consumers, researchers and research funders. |
Australia 223 | Australian National Strategic Action Plan on Osteoporosis (Australian Department of Health) | 2019 | Address the urgent need for a national strategic response to the increasingly complex challenges and burden of osteoporosis across Australia. |
Australia 321 | Australian National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management (PainAustralia/Australian Department of Health) | 2019 | Improve the quality of life for people living with pain and the pain burden for individuals and the community is minimised. |
Belgium 124 | Management of chronic pain in Belgium: past, present and future (Federal Public Agency for Public Health, Safety, Food and the Environment, Belgium) | 2011 | Mapping the general situation of the problem of chronic pain, description of the current Belgian situation and finally recommendations for future changes. |
Canada 126 | Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis Strategic Plan 2014-2018: Enhancing Musculoskeletal, Skin and Oral Health (Canadian Institute of Health Research) | 2014 (2014-2018) | Outline strategic investment priorities for the period 2014-2018 of the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis. |
Canada 225 | Joint Action on Arthritis - a framework to improve arthritis prevention and care in Canada (Arthritis Alliance of Canada) | 2012 | Galvanize action around long-term strategies to improve arthritis prevention, and quality and efficiency of care. Facilitate and focus collaboration among governments and arthritis stakeholders in awareness, models of care and research. |
Canada 327 | Chronic pain in Canada: laying a foundation for action (Health Canada) | 2019 | Improving the lives of all of Canada's people and making this country's population among the healthiest in the world as measured by longevity, lifestyle and effective use of the public healthcare system. |
Chile 128 | National Health Strategy to complete the Health Objectives of the Decade (Government of Chile) | 2011 (2011-2020) | To reduce the impact of chronic communicable and NCD. |
Columbia 129 | Plan Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo 2013-2021 (National Plan for Safety and Health at Work 2013-2021) (Ministry of Labor) | 2014 (2013-2021) | Promotion of the transversality of safety and health at work in public policies; strengthening safety and health at work; strengthening the promotion of safety and health of workers and the prevention of occupational risks, and optimisation and guarantee of the recognition of worker benefits in the general labour risk system. |
Denmark 130 | Recommendations for multidisciplinary management of low back pain (National Health Board of Denmark) | 2017 | Increase the quality of assessment, treatment and prevention and rehabilitation services as well as in follow-up of the course about people with chronic low back pain. |
European Union 160 | European action towards better musculoskeletal health (EFORT/EULAR/IOF) | 2017 | To prevent MSK problems and conditions where possible, and to ensure that those people with MSK conditions enjoy a life of fair quality as independently as possible. |
European Union 259 | Occupational health and safety risks in the healthcare sector-Guide to prevention and good practice (European Commission) | 2010 | Better, healthier and more competitive workplaces and a corporate culture where managers and workers (as experts on their workplaces) discuss work processes together in a continuous improvement process including all related risks and possible measures for improvements. |
Finland 131 | National Action Plan for the Treatment of Chronic Pain and Cancer Pain (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland) | 2017 | Develop a national plan for the treatment of chronic and cancer pain to build a multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary model of care from primary care to specialist care. |
France 132 | Monitoring Plan for National Pain Program (Ministry of Health and Solidarity, France) | 2006 (2006-2010) | To continue and strengthen the policy initiated for more than 10 years to improve pain management. |
France 233 | Occupational Health Plan 2016-2020 (Ministry of Labour, France) | 2016 (2016-2020) | Outline objectives and actions in relations to primary prevention and culture of prevention; and quality of life at work, job retention and performance. |
Hungary 134 | Health Hungary 2014-2020- Health Sector Strategy (Ministry of Human Resources, State Secretariat for Health, Government of Hungary) | 2015 | A whole-of-system approach to improving health outcomes for Hungarian citizens and the efficiency of the system. Health awareness among citizens to act proactively; the importance of industry and government in collaboration in order to make the country healthier and live a more health-conscious life. |
International 161 | A framework to evaluate musculoskeletal models of care (Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health of the Bone and Joint Decade) | 2016 | Improving consumer health outcomes and system-relevant outcomes for NCDs, particularly MSK conditions. |
Italy 135 | National Plan for Chronic Disease (Directorate-General of Health Programming, Italy) | 2016 | Contribute to the improvement of protection for people suffering from chronic diseases, reducing the burden on the individual, family and the social context. Improving the quality of life and making health services more effective and efficient in terms of prevention, support and ensuring greater uniformity and equity of access. |
Ireland 136 | The model of care for rheumatology in Ireland (Royal College of Physicians of Ireland) | 2015 | Develop a chronic disease model of care to facilitate the right person, right place, first-time approach to patients with rheumatic and MSK disorders. |
New Zealand 137 | National Health Committee low back pain: a pathway to prioritisation (National Health Committee) | 2014 | Explore the current approach to care for patients with low back pain and identify interventions where the National Health Committee could conduct a further evaluation in order to improve health outcomes and efficiency within the New Zealand health system. |
New Zealand 238 | Low Back Pain (LBP) Tier 2 Assessment (National Health Committee) | 2015 | Analyse the current delivery of chronic low back pain services, the evidence for effective interventions and proposes the development of a complete model of care for chronic low back pain. |
New Zealand 339 | The Mobility Action Program (New Zealand Ministry of Health) | 2015 | Ensure that the right care is provided in the right place at the right time by practitioners with the right resources. |
Norway 140 | Norway: Together for a good working environment (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work) | 2007-2010 | Report on tripartite cooperation between the government and social partners, represented by trade unions and employers’ organisations in focusing on improving the work environment, reducing sick leave and increasing the retirement age. |
Norway 241 | Public Health Report 2018-2019: Good Life in a Safe Society (Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services, Government of Norway) | 2018 (2018-2019) | To reduce the incidence of premature death and ill health due to NCDs, in line with the global goals of the WHO. |
Portugal 142 | National Strategic Plan for Pain Prevention and Control (Directorate General Health, Portugal) | 2017 | Reduce the prevalence of uncontrolled pain in the Portuguese population; improve the quality of life of patients with pain; and rationalize resources and control the costs necessary for pain control. |
Republic of Korea 143 | The 3rd National Health Promotion Plan 2011-2020 (Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare) | 2011 | To create a healthy community through increasing life expectancy and achieving health equity. |
Spain 144 | Pain Care Strategy 2017-2020 (City of Madrid) | 2017 (2017-2020) | Provide adequate assistance to all patients with pain who are cared for in the health facilities of the Madrid Health Service. |
Switzerland 145 | National strategy for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases 2017-2024 (Swiss Confederation, Federal Department of Home Affairs, Federal Office of Public Health). | 2017 (2017-2024) | More people stay healthy or have a high quality of life despite chronic illness. Fewer people suffer from avoidable NCDs or die prematurely. Regardless of their socioeconomic status, people are empowered in their efforts to cultivate a healthy lifestyle in a health-promoting environment. |
Switzerland 246 | National Strategy for Musculoskeletal Disorders 2017-2022 (Rheumaliga Schweiz) | 2017 (2017-2022) | Guarantee the strategic orientation of activities in the areas of early detection and prevention of risk factors (secondary prevention) as well as in the care and treatment of those affected (tertiary prevention). |
Turkey 147 | Turkey Musculoskeletal Disease Prevention and Control Program 2015-2020 (Ministry of Health, Turkey) | 2015 (2015-2020) | Plan activities for the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of the MSK diseases within the scope of the prevention and control program; take permanent and effective steps for their early diagnosis and treatment; reduce rehabilitation services and disability and ensure that individuals benefit from the highest attainable health standard suitable for their own needs. |
United Kingdom (England) 148 | Developing partnerships and a whole-system approach for the prevention of musculoskeletal conditions in England (Public Health England) | 2018 | Shared narrative and journey for a public health approach to MSK health. |
United Kingdom (England) 250 | Musculoskeletal core capabilities framework for the first point of contact practitioners (Health Education England and NHS England) | 2018 | Ensure a person-centred approach in the first stages of managing any MSK problem with which a person may present. |
United Kingdom (England) 349 | Musculoskeletal health: A 5-year strategic framework for prevention across the life course (Department of Health and Social care, Public Health England and Department for Work and Pensions) | 2019 (2019-2023) |
To promote MSK health and to prevent MSK conditions. |
United Kingdom (Scotland) 152 | Allied health professional (AHP) musculoskeletal pathway framework (National Minimum Standard) (The Scottish Government) | 2014 | Ensure that people requiring MSK services, receive the quality of care and the support they require, at the appropriate time by the appropriate person. |
United Kingdom (Scotland) 251 | Future provision of specialist residential chronic pain management services in Scotland: consultation report (Scottish Government) | 2014 | Respond to the findings of the consultation as set out in the independent report ‘The Provision of Residential Chronic Pain Services in Scotland: Analysis of Consultation Responses’ and sets out the Scottish Government’s proposals for taking forward the development of these services. |
United Kingdom (Wales) 153 | Living with persistent pain in Wales (Welsh Government) | 2019 | Provide advice to those experiencing persistent pain and their families, and health and social care professionals; taking a patient-centred approach. |
United States of America 158 | Improving pain management and support for workers with musculoskeletal disorders: policies to prevent work disability and job loss (US Department of Labor/IMPAQ International) | 2017 | Promote an effective, evidence-based, and timely approach to managing MSK pain and disability that applies a biopsychosocial treatment model to restore workplace function and prevent or minimize work disability as early as possible. |
United States of America 256 | National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Musculoskeletal Health Program (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) | 2019 | Reduce work-related MSK disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome and low back pain. |
United States of America 357 | A National Public Health Agenda for Osteoarthritis: 2020 Update (Osteoarthritis Action Alliance, Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Arthritis Foundation) | 2020 | Adults with osteoarthritis are able to live full lives with less pain, stiffness, and disability; greater mobility; and preserved function and independence. |
United States of America 455 | National Pain Strategy: A Comprehensive Population Health-Level Strategy for Pain (Department of Health and Human Services/Interagency Pain Research Coordinating Committee) | 2011 | Decrease the prevalence of pain across its continuum from acute to high-impact chronic pain and its associated morbidity and disability across the lifespan. Reduce the burden of pain for individuals, their families, and society as a whole. |
United States of America 554 | Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research (Institute of Medicine) | 2011 | Transform the way pain is understood, assessed, treated, and prevented. Improve the care of people who experience pain, the training of clinicians who treat them, and the collection of data on pain in the United States. |
Abbreviations: MSK, musculoskeletal; WHO, World Health Organization; NCD, non-communicable disease; EULAR, European League Against Rheumatism; EFORT, The European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology; NHS, National Health Service; IOF, International Osteoporosis Foundation.