The Kaplan–Meier plot for time to subsolid nodule (SSN) growth based on different outcomes. (a) Time until the SSN grows by 2 mm or more according to the category of the SSN. Each pair of growth curves except for that for pure ground‐glass nodules (pGGNs) and heterogeneous ground‐glass nodules (hGGNs) showed a statistically significant difference. (b) Time until the appearance of a solid component in the mediastinum window (MW) according to the category of the SSN. The two groups were statistically significant on the curve during the follow‐up. (c) Time until the solid component size increased by more than 2 mm according to the category of the SSN. The two groups were not statistically significant on the curve during the follow‐up. rPSN, real part‐solid nodules