Early (first 30 days after treatment) or late (180 days after treatment) recurrence of CDI after the end of treatment defined as recurrence of symptoms of CDI and a positive stool sample with C difficile (PCR) (time frame: 30 and 180 days after ended treatment)
Days with diarrhea (time frame: 1, 4, 8 and 12 days after ended treatment)
CDI‐associated hospital admission and hospital admission of other causes in the follow‐up period (time frame: 180 days after ended treatment)
CDI‐associated hospital outpatient contact and hospital outpatient contact of other causes in the follow‐up period (time frame: 180 days after ended treatment)
CDI‐associated mortality and all‐cause mortality (time frame: 30, 90 and 180 days after ended treatment)
Numbers of patients with clinical cure (absence of C difficile infection) after study treatment divided into 2 groups depending on numbers of recurrences of CDI (time frame: 90 days after ended treatment)
Effect of treatment depending on the CD strain, i.e. toxin B CDI cases, toxin B plus binary toxin CDI cases and CD027 CDI cases (time frame: 90 days after ended treatment)
Effect of the treatment depending on the participant's serum‐level of antibodies towards toxin A and B at the time of inclusion (time frame: 90 days after ended treatment)
Adverse effects in the 3 treatment arms (time frame: 14 days after ended treatment)
Characterizations of the GI microbiota before and after treatment with FMT/RBT in conjunction with characterization of the donor's microbiota or the RBT bacterial mix (time frame: 180 days after ended treatment)
Other antibiotic treatments associated with new recurrences of CDI (time frame: within 180 days after ended treatment)
Evaluation of the composition of bile acids before and after treatment with FMT/RBT (time frame: 90 days after ended treatment)
Characterization of the CD strains by whole genome sequencing (time frame: 90 days after ended treatment)
Identification of age as a risk factor for treatment success/failure (time frame: 90 days after ended treatment)
Identifying if Charlson comorbidity index is associated to treatment success/failure (time frame: 90 days after ended treatment)